Date of Request:
Name of Covenant Community:
Participating Churches (must include at least two):
Primary Contact Person Name:
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Email Address
1. Objective: What is the objective of this Covenant Community?
2. Vital Congregations: Strength and health of churches in the Denver Presbytery is vitally important. The Presbytery is interested in a structure that focuses the resources and energies of the Presbytery on the vitality of our congregations. How will this covenant community accomplish this?
3. Interdependent Partnership: One of the unique characteristics of the Presbyterian Church is its connectional nature. The Presbytery is interested in a structure that nurtures and develops interdependent and mutual partnerships throughout the church. The Presbytery is interested in development of strong support and good communication between ministers, congregations, sessions, and presbyter commissioners. How will the participating congregations work with one another and grow their relationships?
4. Caring Community: The Presbytery is interested in structure that will foster caring and an open and diverse community. How will this covenant community strengthen the participating congregations understanding of and experience of being a caring community? What immediate needs and whose needs will the partnership meet as well as how does this experience increase the racial and ethnic ministries and participation in churches and throughout the Presbytery?
5. Responsive Mission: The Presbytery is interested in a structure that is flexible enough for multiple expressions of mission. How were the needs for this covenant community first identified? How will members of congregations participating in this know that this project is making a difference in or community and our world? How will that be measured?
6. Leadership Development: The Presbytery encourages and equips leaders for ministry and mission. Who are the identified leaders in this project? How did the vision for this partnership develop among these leaders? How have sessions and the pastor(s) of each congregation been involved in the project to date?
7. Empowerment: The Presbytery supports a structure that delegates to those committees, task forces and other entities closest to the point of action the authority to make decisions and the power to act. How will those whose needs are being addressed participate in the decision-making processes? Who in the participating congregations will make a decision about the use of resources? How will these decisions be determined?
8. Participation with Presbytery of Denver: How have the participating congregations been engaged with the Presbytery of Denver? Be specific (membership in committees, participation in Assemblies, etc.) and what percent of the annual budget of each congregation, participating in this covenant community is given this year to Presbytery mission? If this is a global partnership, please describe the connection with the Presbyterian organization in that country and or the PCUSA connection that is present in that region.
9. If there is other information that is pertinent to this request that you would like the committee to consider, please describe or attach that information.
Participating Churches
Please include name of churches, clerk of session, pastor and date of session(s) approval for each congregation.
We understand and agree to provide the Ministry and Mission Work Group with an annual report of our work by January 31st of each year and understand that the future renewal and/or budget requests will not be considered until these reports are received.