This Committee supports the Presbytery’s cooperative mission and ministry groups.  Such groups include Covenant Communities, Mission Partnerships, and Task Forces (“mission groups”).  Among other responsibilities, the Work Group guides each mission group’s formation, renewal, and funding process.  Its recommendations are sent to the Presbytery Council for approval.   The Work Group also provides a Presbytery liaison to each mission group to offer assistance in the process of grant applications, renewals, coordination of schedules through the Presbytery Office, promotion of events of the mission group to the Presbytery’s congregations, and other input to guide mission groups toward healthy and effective mission practices.  It regularly provides programs for mission education to equip and strengthen the leadership in the Presbytery and its congregations so they may help meet local and global ministry needs.


Through the generous mission pledges of congregations in the Presbytery of Denver, the Presbytery is able to provide funding to mission groups, based on need, stewardship, and available funds.  A mission group that has been organized and/or renewed and is current with its Annual Report may request funding for its mission efforts.  As stewards of mission pledges received from congregations in the Presbytery, we seek to maximize our collective impact in healthy, effective, and mutual transformation through mission.  The Work Group will compare your Funding Request to the Presbytery of Denver’s Values Statement and will look at each participating congregation’s involvement in the life of the Presbytery, including the churches’ denominational mission pledges (as a percentage of their overall budget), leadership in Presbytery groups, and participation in the Presbytery’s events and work.  The amount of available funds varies from year to year.

Covenant Communities

Covenant Communities consist of continuing members of Presbytery and three or more sessions of churches of the Presbytery that covenant to work together to nurture and develop vital congregations. Covenant Communities shall be established by the Council for a period of at least two (2) years and may be renewed or changed every two years upon request of the covenanting sessions.  Covenant Communities are expected to submit an Annual Report online or by mail to highlight their work, stewardship, and challenges.  Forms for formation, renewal, or funding may also be submitted online or by mail.

Advocacy for Faith Formation

Contact: Sandy Safford

The Advocacy for Faith Formation Covenant Community is indeed a community of volunteers, lay leaders, pastors, educators & youth leaders serving the faith communities in Faith Formation that advocate for one another and the ministries in which they serve. This community also is passionate about exploring, supporting and advocating for models of faith formation in a variety of settings within the entire Presbytery. Participants from over a dozen communities meet monthly (usually hybrid gatherings) for conversation on a variety of faith formation topics, for example: Advent & Lent, Special Seasons, Matthew 25, Summer Ministry, Mission, Trauma-informed ministry, Safe Sanctuary resources, Intergenerational and Curriculum. Our vision is to offer workshops, trainings and retreats alongside individual check-ins for support & advocacy. This Community seeks to engage faith communities of all sizes, and ethnic backgrounds, volunteer led and staff led. Our entire focus is to support the efforts of faith formation in all of our faith communities particularly providing resources and learning and sharing opportunities. Advocacy for Faith Formation Covenant Community communicates through email at (send us an email to be added to the contact list) and on Facebook at Faith Formation Advocacy in Denver Presbytery (search) where numerous resources are available for Faith Formation Ministries and updated frequently.

Participating Churches: Byers Community Church, Central Presbyterian Church, and Community of Grace - A Presbyterian Church Including representation from a dozen faith communities within Denver Presbytery, our sister presbytery and ecumenical communities.

Mission Partnerships

Mission Partnerships consist of two or more sessions within the Presbytery that wish to work together to address an identified need, such as a need in the local or global community, among a particular people group, or in response to a crisis or systemic problem.  A Mission Partnership shall be established by the Council for a period of time up to two (2) years and may be renewed or changed every two years by Council upon request.  Mission Partnerships are expected to submit an Annual Report online or by mail to highlight their work, stewardship, and challenges. Forms for formation, renewal, or funding may also be submitted online or by mail.

Our Mission Partnerships include:

The Carpenter's Helpers Mission Partnership

Contact:  Chris Primus   720-334-8797

The objective of The Carpenter’s Helpers is to build one house each year for Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver.  The Mission Partnership builds houses, celebrates Dedication Ceremonies for new owners, works at the ReStore, and organizes clergy and women build days for special fellowship.  The Mission Partnership helps to raise funds for house construction through pumpkin sales, the Amen Open golf tournament, pancake breakfasts, and other fun events.  


Contact: David Day 

The purpose of the "Our Daily Bread"  Mission Partnership is  is to grow the impact of each of our churches respective food pantries by increasing the food resources we have available by sharing food resource information.  We will also share the best practises for the operation of a food pantry that we have each developed independently to improve the efficiency and effectiveness or all our Missions.  We also plan to be able to present a group presence in matters that effect our food pantries in issues with Food Bank of the Rockies, Feeding America and the Colorado Department of Human Services.

Participating Congregations: Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, St. Paul Presbyterian Church, Covenant Presbyterian DTC, Westminster Presbyterian Church

Guatemala Mission Partnership

Contact:  Barry Mayhew (720) 454-7204

Calvary, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, First of Englewood, and St. Andrew Presbyterian Churches are partners with Living Waters for the World to provide safe drinking water, health and spiritual education, and micro business training to communities of greatest physical, economic and social need.  Since its founding in 2013, the Partnership has installed one water purification system per year in towns and rural Mayan villages.  We are dedicated to building long term, authentic, and enduring relationships with the pastors and families in these communities.  Your support and involvement both here in the United States and on our mission trips are most welcome.  For more information, visit our website at

  • Participating Churches: Calvary Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, St. Andrew and First Presbyterian of Englewood.


Contact: Molly Brown

Mission: Chartered by the Presbytery of Denver, Journey with Migrants Mission Partnership seeks to provide a Matthew 25 response (feeding, welcoming, clothing, sheltering, visiting) to migrants and immigrants in the Denver Presbytery geographic area and to advocate  for  immigration justice locally, nationally, and globally.  

Participating Churches: Capitol Heights Presbyterian Church, Central Presbyterian Church, Divino Salvador Worshiping Community, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, Grace Presbyterian Church, Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church, and Mountain View United Church.

For additional information, contact Molly Dowling Brown:

Lomagundi Clinic Mission Partnership

Contact:  Marny Eulberg   

Lomagundi Clinic Mission Partnership has been formed to share with the Presbytery of Zimbabwe in providing healthcare for the community.  This mission partnership helps to support the Lomagundi Clinic in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe and assists in providing financial support, supplies, medicine and training.  

  • Participating Churches:  Denver Presbytery: Community of Grace, Genesis, Wellshire, and Wheat Ridge. Outside of Denver Presbytery; Miami Shores Presbyterian of Miami Shores, FL.


Contact: Kim Graber  303-921-4292

Nakai Mission Partnership which is working to support women's health in Zimbabwe by partnering in education and other areas of support for health care for girls and women of all ages. (Nakai is the Shona word for beautiful, well, and healthy).

Participating Churches: Central, Covenant DTC, Genesis, Green Mountain, St. Paul, Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Church

Network Ministries Mission Partnership

Contact:  Wayne Ott  303-636-4431

Network Ministries Mission Partnership reaches out to the homeless with a place for them to go for coffee, conversation, a warm coat, toiletries, or a Thanksgiving meal.  Members of the participating churches not only collect these needed supplies, but they also spend time at the coffeehouse caring for those who visit it. Network Ministries isn't a soup kitchen, bank, social services agency, or a crash pad.  We're here to build long-term redemptive relationships.  

HearTBEAT DENVER Mission Partnership

Contact:  Bruce Heagstedt  

New Genesis Helpers Mission Partnership joins Central and Grace Churches in their effort to address the issue of homelessness and also assist New Genesis in maintaining and invigorating this therapeutic community.  It also seeks to improve the living conditions for the 140 working men housed at Central. 

Presbyterians for Second Wind Fund

Contact:  LuAnn Furlow  

Presbyterians for Second Wind Fund Mission Partnership was created to decrease the incidence of teen suicide by removing financial and social barriers to treatment for at-risk youth.  Partnering with Second Wind Fund, Inc., the Mission Partnership helps to raise funds through walks/runs, golf tournaments, and other activities, so that the organization can offer treatment services to at-risk children and youth, and can urgently match them with a licensed therapist in their local community.  

  • For information about Second Wind Fund, Inc., visit  

  • Participating Churches:  Green Mountain, Community of Grace, Church of the Hills and Wheat Ridge PC.

Zimbabwe Kidz

Contact:  Sharon Lynch   303-798-9881

Zimbabwe Kidz, formerly known as, Connecting Mission Partnership, was formed to raise finances for the education of children in Zimbabwe.  The needs to be met are determined through communication with a subcommittee in the Presbytery of Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe Kidz Mission Partnership.  Our main goal is to provide clean water at the Presbyterian schools that do not have clean water or churches that desire to have a pre-school program and are required to have clean water.  Donations specifically toward school supplies are always welcome.  

  • Participating churches are Green Mountain, St. Paul, St. James, and First Presbyterian Church of Litteton.

Zimbabwe Mission Partnership

Contact:  Julia Henderson

The focus of the Zimbabwe Mission Partnership is to feed, and provide school fees, tuition, uniforms, nutrition supplements and medical care for the orphans enrolled at the Heather Chimhoga Orphan Care Center (HCOC) near Murewa, Zimbabwe.  In addition, ZMP raises funds to support local farming for food production and for essential new construction projects.  Operating funds for support of school teaching and administrative staffs, HCOC staff and building and grounds maintenance and repair are included in ZMP’s budget program.  

  • For information, visit  

  • Participating Churches: Brighton First, Eagle River, Elizabeth, Good Shepherd, New Hope, Providence, Strasburg, Wellshire, Westminster.

Task Forces

Task Forces may be established either on the initiative of the Council or on the initiative of three or more teaching and ruling elders (total) associated with at least two congregations within the Presbytery.  The purpose of the Task Force is to address a specific need not otherwise being addressed, usually leading to a project or event with a defined and limited time period.  A Task Force shall be established by the Council for a period of time not to exceed two (2) years.  Forms may be submitted online or by mail for formation, renewal, or funding may also be submitted online or by mail.