Assembly Resources
Did you sign in at Assembly? If you attended the meeting, please check to make sure your name appears on the rolls. If you do not see your name, please contact our Stated Clerk, gretchen Sausville.
The presbytery will accept childcare RSVPs until one week prior to each meeting. If there are no registrations at that time, childcare will not be available. Contact: Beth Carlisle
Host churches will do their best to accommodate requests for gluten-free, dairy-free & vegetarian meals. Requests must be made in advance to: Beth Carlisle
If your church is interesting in hosting a Stated Assembly Meeting, please contact the current Moderator, Pat Queen.
If you are interested in having a display table at Assembly registration, please contact our Stated Clerk, gretchen Sausville.
If you are a new ruling elder commissioner, elected by your session or just want to learn more, click here for information to understand Assembly Meetings.
Archived Minutes
Ministry Relations Committee Policies
Minor/Vulnerable Adult Protection and Sexual Misconduct Prevention Policy
Church Policy Template for Protection and Sexual Misconduct Prevention PDF version
2023-2025 Book of Order, English
Korean- and Spanish-language versions of the Book of Order are receiving final edits and will be available later in the summer, including the first bound versions of both translations.
Advisory Handbook Ministry Committees (PCUSA)
COM Administration
Pulpit Supply
Pulpit Supply Policy
Churches in Transition - Process
Journey Between Pastors
Teaching Elder Ministries and Status
Entry into Denver Presbytery
Installed Positions
Transitional Ministry
Non-installed Ministries/Positions
Validated Ministries Policy
At-Large Teaching Elders
Honorably Retired Teaching Elders
Ministry Preparation Committee
“It is important that those who are to be ordained as teaching elders receive full preparation for their task under the direction of the presbytery. For this purpose, a presbytery shall enter into covenant relationship with those preparing to become teaching elders and with their sessions and congregations.”
(Book of Order G-2.0601)
Find Forms here. “Seminarian’s Guide to Entering PC(USA) Ministry” on the denomination’s “Equip” website. This guide does not require an account on the website or login to access its content.
The forms will be found in the section, “Preparation Process.” Other sections of the guide are devoted to the “Ordination Exams” and “Seeking a Call.”
Denver Presbytery Committee on Preparation Policy Manual
Diversity Ministries Forms
Minister Annual Reports
Mission Engagement Committee
Mission Partnership Renewal
Guiding Scripture:
The Word became flesh and blood,
and moved into the neighborhood.
We saw the glory with our own eyes,
the one-of-a-kind glory,
like Father, like Son,
Generous inside and out,
true from start to finish. John 1:14 (The Message)
We believe that God created a “very good” world with everything needed for life to flourish, and that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus make this possible.
All people are created by God and have been given gifts and talents.
Community flourishes when we assume God’s goodness and abundance is already there and everywhere. It is our role to see, celebrate and support it.
Greater things happen when two or more churches partner with each other to join God “in the neighborhood.”
Partnership goes beyond the local churches and connects with local organizations and stakeholders.
Our role is to walk alongside and stand with people that are marginalized.
We are in relationship with those on the margins, and therefore, strive to come together with them, instead of only doing things for them.
When abundant community is gathered and celebrated, change happens.
Joining God in the neighborhood is both a bold and vulnerable act that inevitably leads to transformation.
The fruits of what God does bears both expected and unexpected fruits.
Responses should be in narrative form with a maximum of 250 words per section. Questions listed under each section are to serve as prompts for the narrative response. The committee expects the content of each question to be addressed in the applicant’s narrative answer.
Below is a printable worksheet to help you gather the information to complete the online application.
Treasurer Reports
Please click on link below and fill out on-line request. Email receipts to, or send by U.S. Mail to Denver Presbytery at 4800 Happy Canyon Road, Suite 140 | Denver, CO 80237