Board of Pensions Subsidy

Coming soon!


Pastor Compensation Assistance

Presbytery recognizes that for some congregations, meeting the Presbytery minimum effective salary ($60,000 for 2024) has become increasingly difficult. The developed “Pastoral Leadership Compensation Assistance Policy” allows for up to three eligible congregations to each receive a grant not exceeding $10,800.

The deadline for applications is October 15, 2024.


Clergy Renewal Grants

The Presbytery of Denver through the Ministry Relations Committee offers grants to pastoral leaders serving a community of faith for 7 years or more, for Clergy Renewal. Grant money is now available for Clergy Leave for 2025, applications need to be received before September 15th. This early deadline allows pastors to receive notice of grants and amounts by October 1st so that sessions and congregations have that information for budgeting and planning for 2025. 

2025 Grant application closed. Check back in August 2025 for 2026 grants.