Resource: gretchen Sausville
This Workgroup is responsible for planning all Presbytery Assemblies. They do the following:
Recommend to Council plans and requests for pre-assembly events
Oversee, arrange for, and/or delegate services of worship
Evaluate assemblies and make recommendations for any needed changes
Provide support and resources for moderator
Coordinate with other Workgroups of Council as required for their contributions to the docket
Fiduciary stewardship Committee
Co-Moderators: Sharon Blackstock and Mike Norris
This Workgroup is responsible for the over-all fiscal health of the Presbytery.
Develops and presents to Council an annual budget
Provides long-term budget forecasts
Coordinates Presbytery and congregational participation in real estate transactions
Oversees insurance and risk management matters
Oversees the maintaining of records related to Presbytery guarantor functions
With the Stated Clerk, oversees maintaining of property, title, legal and corporate records
Develops, implements and keeps current Presbytery financial policy
Mission engagement committee
Moderator: Kim Graber
This Workgroup supports the Presbytery’s cooperative mission and ministry groups. Such groups include Covenant Communities, Mission Partnerships, and Task Forces (“mission groups”). Among other responsibilities, the Workgroup guides each mission group’s formation, renewal, and funding process. Its recommendations are sent to the Presbytery Council for approval. The Workgroup also provides a Presbytery liaison to each mission group to offer assistance in the process of grant applications, renewals, coordination of schedules through the Presbytery Office, promotion of events of the mission group to the Presbytery’s congregations, and other input to guide mission groups toward healthy and effective mission practices. It regularly provides programs for mission education to equip and strengthen the leadership in the Presbytery and its congregations so they may help meet local and global ministry needs.
Ministry Relations Committee
Moderator Sheri Fry and Vice Moderator TBD
The Ministry Relatsion Committee (MRC, formerly known as COM) provides guidance and assistance to churches without ministers; serves as a validation committee for ministers not serving churches; counsels sessions, ministers, and persons on pensions; and receives and dismisses ministers.
Sub-Committees | Teams
Relations and Connectional Team | Beth Hewlett, Lead
Primary contact and communications link to communities
Transitional Team | Don Shrumm, Lead
Support the process of transitional leadership
Mediation Team | Jordan Warntjes
A trained team to come in and mediate when requested
Resources and Discovery Team | Joanna Douglass
A team trained in facilitating a community as they ask what is next, exploring options
Pastoral Care Team | Bill Sanders
A team that will be connecting to pastoral leadership
Moderator Katie Robb Davis
The Ministry Preparation Committee (MPC or CPM) supports members of churches in the Presbytery as they discern the call to ministry, and oversees the process and requirements of preparation for ministry.
Commissioned Pastor Ministry Team
Oversees and coordinates the entire program for people discerning about and preparing for ministry as a commissioned pastor, formerly known as CRE or Commissioned Ruling Elder. CPs currently serve in leadership in congregations of the Presbytery.
Permanent Judicial Commission
Moderator Greg Hopkins
The Permanent Judicial Commission sits as the ecclesiastical court to rule on charges brought through the church’s judicial process against teaching elder members of the Presbytery or sessions of congregations.
Servant Leadership development Committee
Moderator Nancy Dixon
The Servant Leadership Development Committee ensures leaders who reflect the diversity of the Presbytery and of local communities are identified, trained, nurtured, and given responsibilities commensurate with their skills and passion. Click here for position descriptions.
Use the form below to express interest in volunteering to serve on a Denver Presbytery Committee. The information you submit will be put on file for the Servant Leadership Development Committee.
The Servant Leadership Development Committee is committed to giving full expression to the rich diversity of our membership in the structures of our committees, workgroups and visionary leadership commission. Providing information helps the Servant Leadership Development Committee fulfill this commitment to inclusiveness and representation.
Please complete the questions below as you feel comfortable. Submitting a form does not guarantee nomination. If you are nominated, you will be contacted by a member of the Servant Leadership Development Committee. If not nominated, your information will be kept for another committee.
We invite you to complete a Passion Discovery Form to share your passion and gifts to support the work of the Presbytery.
Staffing Resources Committee
Moderator: Julia Henderson
Staffing Resources Committee is responsible for ensuring that all matters related to Presbytery staffing are handled in accordance with the law and standard personnel practices. Click here to view the position description.