Clergy Renewal Grant Application

Deadline for submission is September 15th.

The Presbytery of Denver through the Ministry Relations Committee offers grants to pastoral leaders serving a community of faith for 7 years or more, for Clergy Renewal. Grant money is now available for Clergy Leave for 2025, applications need to be received before September 15th. This early deadline allows pastors to receive notice of grants and amounts by October 1st so that sessions and congregations have that information for budgeting and planning for 2025. 

The grants are intended to help defray the costs of a Clergy Renewal. Our grant funds are limited by how much is in the approved budget and how many pastors apply (no one grant will be over $10,000). 

In addition to the congregation participating in the funding of a pastor’s renewal, pastors are encouraged to seek other grant funding opportunities. Grant monies may be used for travel, renewal experiences, conference or retreat, expenses associated with pulpit supply or pastoral support during the leave. Interested pastors having served a congregation for 7 years may apply for Clergy Renewal Grant by completing the online form by September 15th. See below.

More information is available on the website Resources or contact us at with questions.