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Pre-assembly Events

The next Presbytery Assembly will be held at the Presbytery Center on May 26.  It will be a full day of learning opportunities, fellowship, decision-making and worship. Several pre-assembly opportunities will be available to you that day.  WE DO NEED YOU TO RSVP FOR ANY OR ALL OF THESE EVENTS INCLUDING LUNCH to Sherry Kenney by May 21 and indicate which events you will be attending. Please email Sherry or call her at 303-523-1936.

12:30 p.m.  A pizza lunch, provided by the Presbyterian Foundation, will be available. 

1:00 p.m. Trigger: The Effects of Gun Violence
The Relations and Communications Work Group will sponsor the showing of the film, Trigger: The Effects of Gun Violence, which was produced by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.  Following the film Jean Demmler, a member of the work group, an elder at Capitol Heights Church and a member of the General Assembly’s Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy, will lead a discussion about the film. To see a clip of the film click here.

3:00 p.m. Living Creatively with Disabilities  -or- 
                 Creating a Culture of Generosity

Two important workshops sponsored by the Leadership Work Group will be offered simultaneously:  Living Creatively with Disabilities, led by our colleague, Kent Groff and Creating a Culture of Generosity, led by Sherry Kenney, Ministry Relations Officer for the Presbyterian Foundation and Kevin Keaton, Regional Representative of the Board of Pensions. These workshops offer dynamic opportunities to delve deeply into two critical areas of congregational and personal life.  If you are struggling with diminishments in your life or in those you love and care for, you will want to attend the workshop with Kent.  Sherry and Kevin will give an abundance of help for churches and church leaders facing the challenge and joy of stewardship in all its aspects that leads to a positive impact on the understanding of generosity.