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Faith Formation Advocacy Monthly Gathering

Whether you are staff for Children, Youth or Everything, pastor, volunteer or anyone trying to figure out what Summer Ministry might...could.....possibly look like? You are invited to join us by Zoom:

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THURSDAY, MAY 21st at 10 am  by Zoom

Join us Thursday, May 21st for a conversation on Summer Ministry with restrictions.  Yes, many of you have already decided what VBS and other summer ministries might look like and others of you are still trying to decide how to do that.  Let's share with one another and talk through some of the prohibitive safety concerns and ask the questions together.  Those of you that have a Summer Ministry Plan please share it so no one has to re-invent the wheel.

For example: 

  • How can VBS still happen with 50-100 kids?

  • Where do I find resources for Virtual VBS?

  • How can a Summer Ministry be "In a Box", Neighborhood or Family and still be connected to the church?

  • How do you offer Music Camp to 20 kids this summer without singing? 

Pretty sure we have a plan for that! Come with your ideas, your questions and let's think creatively, out of the box and safely together!

Here is the link to Join Zoom Meeting - Faith Formation Gathering