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Prayer Chain for Agency Review Task Force

To ALL Members and Leaders of Denver Presbytery Faith Communities,

With the approval of a new mission, vision, and values, our Presbytery has embarked on an ambitious program to review the current administrative structure of committees and workgroups (agencies) with the goal of proposing a new, more efficient structure well aligned with our mission, vision, and values. This is a significant undertaking, and the Council has asked our task force to recommend a new structure at the May Assembly.

Considering the importance and aggressive time frame of this work, we covet the prayers of each faith community and each person in the Presbytery. It is through intentional prayer and discernment that we can be most responsive to God’s calling in this work.

As a member and leader of a faith community, we humbly ask that you set aside at least one day during Lent to pray for our work. The schedule included with this communication asks that as a faith community and as members of your faith community, you pray that we properly discern a new agency structure that best serves our Lord in the world. We may be suggesting specific prayer requests throughout Lent to offer assistance in these prayers, but general guidance and wisdom is appreciated.

Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish far more than all we can ask or imagine. Ephesians 3:20

Agency Review Task Force
Rob Habiger, Paula Steinbacher, John Yu, Olivia Hudson Smith, Beth Carlisle

Earlier Event: February 23
Boundary Training