Full Time Head of Staff/Solo Pastor

Community of Grace is seeking a new Pastor. Following a several-year process to merge Arvada and Trinity Presbyterian Churches, we are seeking a new Solo Pastor/Head of Staff, full time, to help us continue our journey to forming a new identity.

As a new church, we are not locked into old models.  The Pastor will have the opportunity to direct a new vision as the spiritual leader of the church and is responsible for:

*Preaching and teaching

*Compassionate pastoral care, coordinating with Deacons to care for the needy

*Moderating Session and Deacon leaders

*Administrative leadership directly or by delegation

*Guidance in shaping this new church's identity and God's purpose in the community

*Encourage current and and new connections within our church community and beyond our doors.

We are seeking a vibrant and innovative candidate with gifts ranging from technology to pastoral care and fostering a sense of inclusivity and accessibility within the congregation.  The Pastor will be an advocate for traditional/blended and contemporary methods of worship, outreach and community engagement within the context of Presbyterian beliefs.

How to Apply:  We are in the CLC as MDP #11499 (the preferred method to apply is through https://clc.pcusa.org)

Applicants not registered in CLC may contact the PNC Co-Chair, Ann Butcher (aebutcher3191@gmail.com) or 303-870-1113.