Central Presbyterian Church will be hosting a morning conversation hour at 9 a.m. on April 3rd, followed by a 10:30 a.m. service with Dr. Boesak preaching. People of all faiths, beliefs, races, creeds, sexual and gender orientations and backgrounds are invited and are welcome to attend.
Dr. Allan Boesak is a world renowned faith leader, author and activist who has worked alongside leaders such as Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela to end apartheid in South Africa, and continues to speak on issues concerning post-apartheid justice and reconciliation efforts. In Denver and with the rest of the nation, race relations have become increasingly tense, and there is a desperate need for meaningful conversation and reconciliation. By looking to South Africa’s apartheid past through the lens of one of the leaders of apartheid’s eventual end, Central hopes to further the discussion that will lead to action that will result in reconciliation.
Click here for more information.