Colorado Black Arts Festival
There is a favorite saying among the Tswana and Sotho tribes of Southern Africa which was also a favorite of the President of South Africa Mr Nelson Mandela; Ke nako meaning: it is time and indeed it is summer time and Ke nako ya Colorado Black Arts Festival Origins 2016 from Friday, July 8th to Sunday, July 10th.
The festival is a wholesome all American family oriented event right after we celebrate the good old 4th of July whose cholesterol and sauces still run in our veins. So come all, young and old and enjoy the sights and sounds of the parade, bands, art, music and a whole lot more. The Festival will take place at Denver City Park West.
Festival Hours
12:00 pm – 8:00 pm Friday, July 8, 2016
10:00 am – 8:00 pm Saturday, July 9, 2016
10:00 am – 7:00 pm Saturday, July 10, 2016
Here are some of the highlights for the Colorado Black Arts Festival:
Colorado Black Arts Festival - Celebrating 30 years
- Local and National Visual Artist - Featuring Randy McNulty (Festival 2016 logo artist)
- YouthFest - Friday, July 8th from 12:00pm-8:00pm and Saturday, July 9th from 1:00pm-3:00pm - Featuring creative talents of young adults and youth
- Drum and Drill Team Exhibition - Friday, July 8th from 4:00pm-5:00pm
- Boogaloo Celebration Parade - Saturday, July 9th starting at 10:00 am (see attached map for Parade route)
- Scavenger Hunt - all three days
- Car Show - with over 100 make and models on display
- Louise Duncan Awardee Tribute - Sunday, July 10th 4:00 Kuumba Stage
- Three Performing Stages which provide a platform for local and regional artist to showcase their talents
- Children's Pavilion which will encourage youth to participate in activities such as: drawing, painting, sculpture assembly
Volunteers are needed, email Portia Malone Colorado Black Arts Festival Volunteer Recruiter or Daphne Rice-Allen of Peoples Presbyterian Church.
For more information, go to the website, click here.
Click here for parade route map.