Colleagues and Friends,
We know you're fried so the Leadership Workgroup is planning a space for you. Join us for a Pastor Wellness, "Take A Deep Breath" retreat. We will have options for hiking, walking, hot tubbing, lounging, reading, chilling, talking, biking, sleeping, snacking, campfires, or doing absolutely nothing... We just want to give you some space where you can decompress a little and enjoy the community of your colleagues. For content, we will have guided group times around the topics of health and wellness with small group discussions.
The retreat will be held in the Black Forest at the Hideaway Retreat Center (Beautiful grounds, rooms and great food!). Sunday, November 7th through Tuesday November 9th. Plan to arrive before dinner and depart Tuesday around lunchtime. This retreat is for clergy serving in a congregational setting because we know you all need a break in this crazy ongoing COVID season.
The Leadership Workgroup
Questions, contact Rev. Jill VanderWal
Deposit $50 or pay in full $200
Day trip option $100
Do you need a scholarship to attend? Contact Jill.
We have a capacity of 25-30 depending if people share rooms or not. Please arrive for breakfast and plan on staying through dinner. Day participants will be in a small group together.
Here's the Fine Print:
All participants must be vaccinated. We will do our best to social distance as well.
The Hideaway has lots of outdoor and indoor space.