The Presbytery of Denver is a Matthew 25 mid-council committed to building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism, and eradicating systemic poverty. In May we invite you, your congregation, and neighbors, to engage with us in one, or all three, of these focus areas. We have a goal, for all Denver Presbytery churches, whether they are officially a Matthew 25 congregation or not, of completing 2,021 hours of participation in related activities in May.
We will be sending you weekly emails with information on the challenge, devotions related to the biblical imperative to do this work, and ideas and opportunities for you to engage. This week’s video features Rev. Fernando Rodriquez with information on Matthew 25 and our Engagement Challenge.
#WEAREDENPRES (share what you are doing on social media)
Watch the video to find out how you can join Denver Presbytery in this challenge!
Matthew 25:37-40
My children love being the center of attention. They'll do anything to stay on the center of our radars. In recent days, alone, I've learned about rock cycles, the latest happenings of a K-pop group on YouTube, and the vegetable harvest they "produced" on their Nintendo Switch game, Minecraft. They come up with the most random things to keep me paying attention to their latest discoveries. Of course, this behavior is normal for children aged 6 and 8. That's where they want to be and are comfortable.
In a weird way, I wonder about the people Jesus is talking about in Matthew 25. I wonder if the questions that are being posed to the King are an attempt of the people, whether blessed or cursed, to figure out how to be in the center. The center of attention, the center of power, the center of influence. I wonder how much, actually, they may look like us.
Typical to Jesus' storytelling, he pulls the rug from under us. "If you want to see me, meet me on the margins. I'll be with all those that have been pushed to the side and rejected." Those are the words of Jesus; The words of Jesus to those listening then, and those of us with ears to listen today.
We live in a world where we, not too different from my children, are constantly seeking to be close to the center, where we believe we'll be seen. We believe, perhaps, that if we're close to the center, we'll be closer to power, influence, and even God. For many of us, it's comfortable being in the center. Yet, Jesus puts a hold on that thinking. He reminds us that he rid himself of all power, to meet with us, not in the centers of power, but at the margins, with those deemed powerless by society.
As we begin to reflect and act intentionally on this call to be a Matthew 25 presbytery, let us seek to engage our faith and live out our discipleship in ways that moves us away from the center. Jesus isn't asking us to keep him busy for him to notice us. Instead, he's calling us to meet him on the margins, away from our comfort, and into a deeper experience with him.
For further reflection
How have you been pushed by your faith to do something that is out of your comfort zone?
Is there anything about the Matthew 25 Initiative that makes you feel uncomfortable? Why?
Is there anything about the Matthew 25 Initiative that excites? Why?
Rev. Fernando Rodríguez serves as Denver Presbytery's Associate Presbyter for Mission. He's new to town, so he welcomes any and every suggestion for coffee or tea shops, or yummy places to eat.