Prayer of Confession Eradicating Systemic Poverty

We have engaged in over 514 hours of building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism, and eradicating systemic poverty. Way to go Denver Presbytery!!!

Thank you to the participants from 11 churches for helping us get 25% of the way to our goal. Nearly 2 weeks remain in the challenge. How will you engage? See our webpage for more information.

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Today's devotional will be a prayer of confession focusing on eradicating systemic poverty. In preparation for the prayer time, please read Matthew 25:31-46.

Prayer of Confession

Holy God, we like to claim that your way is mysterious and we are uncertain how to follow. We confess that we don’t want to understand the fast that you choose. You call us to loose the bonds of injustice, to let prisoners free, to break every yoke, to bring the homeless into our house, to feed our neighbors and pray for our enemies. We make it sound like a difficult metaphor so we don’t have to act on your word, because we don’t like to be uncomfortable.

We confess all of the times we have looked away from those who are hurting.
Forgive our apathy.
We confess the ways we distract ourselves with trivial things to avoid facing the injustice around us.
Forgive our willful ignorance.
We confess that we are complicit in the structures and systems that perpetuate the unfair treatment of the most vulnerable.
Forgive our unexamined privilege.

Today we confess the brokenness of our system of education:
-for the inequity of resources
-for the ways students become enmeshed in the criminal justice system
-for the ways our culture diminishes the value of education
-for the lack of consistency and support for schools in impoverished communities

Today we confess the brokenness of our criminal justice system:
-for the asylum-seekers who are detained
-for the for-profit prison system
-for the people being held without conviction because they cannot afford bail
-for the advantages of wealth in a system that should be impartial

Holy God, teach us to see the needs before us and not look away. Give us the courage to dismantle systems that benefit us. Transform us with your love into a people of justice and mercy.
In Jesus’s name we pray, Amen.

Assurance of Pardon (It is a gift from Jesus that allows us to remind each other that we are forgiven. As we tackle this difficult topics and our complicity in these systems – please take the time to remind yourself and each other that Jesus has forgiven and redeemed us.)

Friends, hear the good news:
In Jesus Christ you are loved and you are forgiven.
May the God of mercy, who has forgiven all our sins strengthen us in all goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit transform us into ambassadors for God’s Kingdom.

Rev. Fernando Rodriguez
Associate Presbyter for Mission