An Outward Focus

Scripture: Matthew 25:34 & 40

“Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.”   “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Our inheritance as the blessed people of God is expressed in the vitality of our communities of worship.  Congregational vitality is evident wherever two or more are gathered in Christ’s name actively engaged in the mission of God.  Mission in our local community and the world, focuses on growing as disciples of Jesus Christ.  Our faith comes alive when we boldly engage in God’s mission and share the hope we have in the Living Christ. 

One of the 7 Marks of Building Congregational Vitality from the Matthew 25 Initiative is:

“An outward focus.  Our church is not a place to escape from the world, but rather our gateway to our community where we may be the hands, feet, heart and mouth of Jesus Christ for people who are suffering or marginalized.”  

“Worshiping communities experiencing congregational vitality will find themselves following Jesus into places of injustice and struggle bearing light and hope, demonstrating love and mercy, and working faithfully for justice and peace.  Their efforts will be sustained by personal and congregational patterns and practices of prayer and worship, learning and reflection.” Source:

Take a moment to consider your worshiping community and list the opportunities where the community is engaged in serving as Christ’s….. 

  • hands...

  • feet...

  • heart...

  • mouth...

Now list the opportunities where you are engaged in serving as Christs’…..

  • hands...

  • feet...

  • heart...

  • mouth...

What opportunities of God’s mission are on both of your lists?   

Has a personal engagement of God’s mission grown out of a community involvement?

What opportunity is rising up in you for future engagement?

God of Mission, guide us and walk alongside us as we seek and find ways to serve in your name by serving as Christ’s hands, feet, heart and mouth in our communities and the world.  Amen.

Sandy Sanford is Commissioned Ruling Elder (lay pastor) at the Byers Community Church located on the Eastern Plains of Colorado. Building Congregational Vitality and Eradicating Systemic Poverty are the two focuses of the Byers Church’s commitment to Matthew 25.