Help Afghan Refugees

Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains (LFSRM) works together with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS), and other churches, organizations, community groups, businesses, and individuals to provide the services and supplies necessary for refugees to become self-sufficient and integrate into their new communities.

Recently, LFSRM has received a large number of inquiries and offers of help concerning Afghan refugees who will be resettled in Colorado. Unable to respond to each request, they've compiled a list of answers to frequently asked questions, as well as some general information and resources, that we want to share with you.

When will refugees and Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs) from the emergency evacuations be arriving in Colorado? How many people will be coming here?


We don’t know—US-based resettlement agencies such as ourselves are not involved in the evacuation itself, and there are a lot of uncertainties about timing and logistics right now, as you have surely seen in the news. What we do know is that LFSRM and all the other resettlement agencies are preparing for when they do arrive. And Afghan refugees and SIVs have been part of our caseload for years, so we are using that experience to prepare to serve those who are evacuated due to current events as well.

How can I help?

Here are some of the most common ways that we can use the support of our welcoming community (you!):

Financial support:

We will need rental support for new refugee families. Contribute here and select “Refugee and Asylee Programs;” if desired, you can indicate “Afghanistan response” or “rental assistance” in the comment field; if you do not write a comment, funds will support our refugee programs in general (items such as case management, employment services, and household items).

Donating household items or furniture for new refugee families:

  • To purchase new household items: we have an Amazon wish list. Bedding sets and pot/pan sets are a priority need; items ship directly to LFSRM.

  • To donate used household items or furniture: please contact donations coordinator, Luis, at 303-525-5020. Please allow up to a week for response (we have received many inquiries in this area and we have limited storage space, so please understand that we may not be able to accept your donation). UPDATE: We are currently only accepting very limited furniture, as our warehouse is mostly full. BEDS and DRESSERS are still needed.

  • If you have small basic household goods (bedding, towels, kitchen items), you can drop them off at our warehouse at 520 Raritan Way, Denver, 80204 on Fridays from 9:00-3:00 (until further notice). We are working to set up additional drop-offs for the coming weeks.

  • We are working with local partners (military, faith communities, and nonprofit) to ship clothing and shoes to Afghan evacuees in Qatar. Please contact Brannon at for more information.


  • We are in need of volunteer co-sponsors and Cultural Mentors. Each volunteer team of 4-6 volunteers is matched with a new family. Mentors make a commitment of 6 months/ approximately 4 hours per month. We are also asking co-sponsors of Afghans with refugee applications pending to raise $5,000-$10,000 to cover rent, as these families will only be eligible for very limited assistance and will need help with rent costs.

  • Register for a volunteer informational session here.


  • If you are a landlord and are interested in renting a unit to a refugee family, please email our Housing Coordinator,

  • We are currently keeping a list of those interested in providing temporary housing (~2 weeks, free of charge). However, this is a limited need at this time as the timing of arrivals is uncertain. Please email our Housing Coordinator,, with your contact information, and she will contact you within the next 1-2 weeks.


  • Write your elected officials to express your support for Afghan refugees and SIVs.

  • Advocacy toolkit.