Nepal Earthquake Relief

Many have asked how they can give financially to relief efforts in Nepal. Both Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church and the PC(USA) have options that may be of interest.

Montview has deep roots in Nepal, one of the poorest countries in the world. For years Denver’s Montview community has worked closely with two exemplary, U.S-based nonprofits serving some of the neediest people in Nepal: Nepal Youth Foundation (NYF) and International Development Enterprises (iDE). Both organizations have strong leadership in Nepal, experienced local staff and proven track records for effective management and successful program implementation. To learn more visit them online at and

In the days since the quake, NYF and iDE have been providing medical attention, shelter, food, and water to the people most affected by the quake—the people they serve. Both organizations have many boots on the ground and systems in place. They know what to do and how to do it. Their greatest need is funding.  If you chose to make a contribution to the efforts in Nepal via Montview, all donations will be split equally between NYF and iDE. Your donation is fully tax-deductible. Donations can be made via the Montview website here or by check payable to Montview Church.  For donations made via a check, please write Nepal Earthquake on the memo line and mail your check to Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church, Nepal Earthquake, 1980 Dahlia Street, Denver, CO 80220.

You also can give through the Presbyterian Church (USA), if you desire. PC(USA)'s Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is supporting the work of partners in Nepal through the earthquake recovery efforts of ACT Alliance.  To learn more or to donate in this way visit the PC(USA) website here.

March Presbytery Assembly

Thanks to Good Shepherd for hosting and to Angela Duggan for capturing the images of an evening filled with important work and great fellowship.  

Thank you to Good Shepherd for hosting our assembly! Many thanks to Angela Duggan for using her gifts in photography to capture our time together.

Posted by The Presbytery of Denver on Friday, April 17, 2015

Being Leaders: Living into Your Call

The recent event sponsored by the Presbytery's Leadership Work Group provided stimulating conversation, connections across congregations and new thoughts for leading and living into your call.  Read the full report here.

The recent event sponsored by the Presbytery's Leadership Work Group provided stimulating conversation, connections...

Posted by The Presbytery of Denver on Friday, March 27, 2015

A Letter Regarding Amendment 14-F on Marriage

To the members and churches of the Presbytery of Denver,

As of March 17, 2015 there were sufficient votes across the denomination to support passing the amendment which will replace in our current Book of Order chapter W-4.9000 regarding Christian marriage.

Some, in fact many, will say the Church has turned a corner, broken new ground, gone down a profoundly different path. They will be saying that with joy or with anger, with tears of a hope long envisioned finally being realized or with tears of their worst fears coming true. Either way, there are some things that will change, and some that will remain the same.

What has not changed is the discretion of the session regarding its wedding policy which includes the weddings that occur on church property, and the discretion of each teaching elder regarding the couples for whom to conduct a marriage. The PC(USA) welcomes everyone to participate in the life of the church and into membership of a particular church. As the people of God we practice mutual forbearance, and understand that as a diverse people, we will have differing opinions.

What has changed is the prerogative for a same gender couple to be married by a PC(USA) minister in a PC(USA) church, in those states where civil jurisdiction recognizes same gender marriages.

In Colorado, on October 7, 2014 State Attorney General John Suthers instructed all 64 county clerks to begin issuing same-sex marriage licenses, after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear any appeals on the issue. 

One of the tenets of our reformed tradition is that God alone is the Lord of the conscience. This provides an opportunity for each Teaching Elder and each session to carefully consider current wedding policies and how to approach each situation.

May the God of hope and love guide you as servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lenten blessings,
Cathy Ulrich, Interim Stated Clerk
Diane Ritzdorf, Moderator
Tom Sheffield, Presbytery Pastor

Will Your Church Take the REACH Challenge?

During her sermon at the January Presbytery Assembly, Presbytery Moderator Diane Ritzdorf announced that both she and Vice Moderator Mark Vickstrom are making themselves available to visit churches to talk about how your church might REACH during 2015. Recall that REACH involves risk, empathy, adaptive change and hope and healing, not necessarily in that order. Both are willing to preach during a worship service, issuing the REACH challenge.

We invite you to use this link to Signup Genius to contact them about Sunday dates that work for you and your congregation. Just choose a date and fill in your information including church name, phone number, and worship time. You may establish a Signup Genius account if you like, but it's not required:

If members of your church would like to meet on a day other than a Sunday, please contact Diane directly. My contact information is included in the Presbytery Directory. 

Latino Film Festival

Great films and conversation!  Mark your calendars for "Salsa for the Soul", something spicy for the soul and spirit on September 12; and La Pastorela a production of The Shepherd's Quest, December 12th.  Events sponsored by the Gala Task Force, hosting a series of educational, cultural, theological events and celebrations in 2015 for Denver Presbytery, recognizing and valuing the diverse gifts of Latino/a Americans in our worship community.