Introducing Rev. Raafat Girgis

Denver Presbytery hired its first two New Worshiping Community (NWC) Incubator Leaders at the beginning of the year. Bethany and Evan have begun their ministries in our presbytery and we are looking forward to seeing how God uses them to gather new communities.  

We are happy to announce the hiring of our third NWC Incubator Leader, Rev. Raafat Girgis. He will begin his work with us on March 1st and will have the wonderful partnership of Grace Presbyterian Church in Highlands Ranch as a home base.

The NWC Incubator initiative is made possible thanks to the generosity of Jane Hays. Thanks to the bequest she left of $1.9 million, we have been able to support the salaries of the leadership of existing NWCs, while also supporting the new Incubator Leaders.

We are thrilled to welcome Rev. Girgis as NWC Incubator Leader. You can read more about him in his bio below. The search team hopes to announce the fourth NWC Incubator Leader in the near future. May God continue to guide Denver Presbytery as it seeks to support and create space for new expressions of church in our midst.

Raafat Girgis has been serving the church in America and abroad since his ordination by al Delta Presbytery, Synod of the Nile, Presbyterian Church in Egypt.  He became a member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) by joining the Presbytery of James in Richmond, VA in 1993. Raafat has spent equal years of his ministry in the USA & abroad.  He also received degrees from Egypt and the US.

Before arriving in Denver, Raafat served as a Lead Pastor for New Rehoboth-Greenville and Pisgah Presbyterian Churches located in two counties in PA. Previously he served as a Mission Agent in the Presbyterian Mission Agency as Associate Director for Evangelism and Racial/Cultural Diversity.

Raafat is passionate about launching Intercultural New Worshiping Communities and the Lord utilized him in initiating two of them; in Richmond, VA and Clarion, PA. Raafat believes that he was called “to make disciples of all nations” and believes that small groups or community cells be an effective approach particularly in starting an Intercultural NWC. These gatherings will not be clubs of likeminded people. They will work as intersections where differences meet, interact, and collaborate. He envisions them to be spaces of spiritual and intellectual learning that are safe and secure to all practices of faith where people can share visions and participate in mutual learning.

Welcome Raafat by sending email!

An Invitation from Rev. Steve Poos-Benson

Hello Fellow Pastors and Elders,
I’m excited to share with you a program the Presbytery is participating in called, “Guns to Garden Tools.”
I’ve long believed in responsible gun ownership. I’ve also felt if people didn’t want guns in their house or possession, they should have a save way to dispose of the firearm. But how to do this?  Do you go to a gun shop? Sell it on eBay or Craigslist? Do you give it to a friend? It’s a tricky issue for many people. We need a safe way to get unwanted firearms off the street and out of people’s homes. Guns to Garden Tools is the answer!
On Saturday, February 25th from 11:00-1:00 at the parking lot of Columbine United Church in Littleton, we are hosting a way for people to dispose of their guns for cash. The guns are collected and dismantled on sight by having them cut in two by trained volunteers. The parts are later melted down and recreated as garden tools and art.
Your members can TAKE ACTION by:

  1. Volunteering at a Guns to Gardens (G2G) Safe Surrender event on Saturday, February 25th. Learn more and sign up here.

  2. Donating to support congregations hosting a Guns to Gardens Safe Surrender event in their community. Give here or buy a t-shirt to help us fundraise.

  3. Educating folks about the National Guns to Gardens Movement and how to get involved locally. (Contact us to schedule a presentation:

  4. Dismantling their own guns by bringing them to a Guns to Gardens event. Read more here.

  5. Spreading the word to friends and family about this modern-day “swords to plowshares” ministry (click to download printable flyer) and our upcoming event in February.

Let’s get unwanted guns out of people’s homes and off the streets.
Columbine United Church is located at 6375 S. Platte Canyon Rd in Littleton. We’re halfway between Bowles and Coalmine on Platte Canyon
See you there!
Steve Poos-Benson

What are Equity Primes?

Introduced at General Assembly in 2022 and at the January Assembly, Equity Primes were designed to help committees prioritize PC (USA) values of inclusion and equity in a shared space even as they use digital tools to cast votes and access trainings and other information. Read more→

Here are some resources for you to introduce this to your faith communities and committees.  

Powerpoint Slides
from January Assembly Engagement with Jihyn Oh, Director of Mid Council Ministries, PC(USA) Office of General Assembly.
Race Forward
Toolkit for creating cultures and practices for racial equity. 

Group/Committee Equity Prime | Questions Before Discussion/Decisions

  • Why are we trying to make the decision now?

  • Do we have enough information to make an equitable/inclusive decision?

  • Have we heard directly from those who will be most impacted?

  • Have we thought through the impact to the whole church?

  • What additional voices/information do we need to make an equitable/inclusive decision?

  • What information would lead to more equity?

  • Have we honored what’s on our cards to honor each others’ rights and check our own use of power?

  • Is this decision being made with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love?