What does generative look like to you?

Some members of Denver Presbytery share some ways they are being generative in their ministry to help us better understand this value from our Mission Vison and Values Statement.

Rev. Paula Steinbacher, Church of the Eternal Hills
Rev. Dr. John Yu, True Light Community Church
Rev. Barb Lyons, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant & PZDP
Dr. Corey Schlosser-Hall, Executive Presbyter of Northwest Coast

To be generative is to generate, dream, create, renew, originate, and be part of the generating word of God. We are made new as we join with the creative One who makes all things new.

¡Si, se puede! Connect with the Vision Construction Team Rev. Lemuel Velasco

¡Si, se puede!

Toda persona, grupo familiar u organización debe de tener una visión. Quizás uno comienza con un principio, por la razón de que en todo principio uno es impulsado por lo que uno desea, sin pensar en ninguna visión, sin embargo con el transcurrir del tiempo se va creando una visión dentro de nosotros.

Considero que uno de los dones que Dios nos ha dado como individuos para visualizar las cosas, no ha sido nuestra vista sino la visión. Nuestra vista trabaja en función de los ojos pero la visión es la función del corazón. Podemos ver y no tener visión, pero gracias a Dios porque podemos mantenernos viendo aún teniendo los ojos cerrados.

Recuerdo la historia bíblica de los discípulos que caminaron con Jesús resucitado en el camino hacia Emaús (Lucas 24:13-35).

“…Para entonces ya estaban cerca de Emaús y del final del viaje. Jesús hizo como que iba a seguir adelante, pero ellos le suplicaron: «Quédate con nosotros esta noche, ya que se está haciendo tarde». Entonces los acompañó a la casa. Al sentarse a comer, tomó el pan y lo bendijo. Luego lo partió y se lo dio a ellos. De pronto, se les abrieron los ojos y lo reconocieron. Y, en ese instante, Jesús desapareció. Entonces se dijeron el uno al otro: «¿No ardía nuestro corazón cuando nos hablaba en el camino y nos explicaba las Escrituras?».”

Quiero darle gracias a Dios por todas aquellas personas que nos han antecedido. Todos aquellos que tuvieron y que han tenido la visión y la misión de llevar a cabo la obra de Dios en este Presbiterio de Denver. “Eben Ezer” hasta aquí el Señor nos ha ayudado (1º. Samuel 7:12).

Y le agradezco a Dios por esta oportunidad de participar, por cada uno de mis colegas de servir en su Reino a través del Vision Construction Team (VCT) del Presbiterio de Denver. Es un llamado, una bendición y un compromiso.

Dios está gestando en nosotros una necesidad que el desea llenar, Dios tiene palabra profética para nosotros y nos da fe. La fe produce paciencia, confiamos en que los tiempos de Dios son perfectos para su honra y gloria.

“… porque ustedes saben que, siempre que se pone a prueba la fe, la constancia tiene una oportunidad para desarrollarse. Así que dejen que crezca, pues una vez que su constancia se haya desarrollado plenamente, serán perfectos y completos, y no les faltará nada.” Santiago 1:3.4.

Pedimos que oren por nosotros, la oración es clave para sostenernos enfocados en la visión y mantenernos conectados con Dios. Sin duda alguna es la única manera de recibir fortaleza, ánimo y obtener todo lo necesario para proseguir hacia el objetivo.

Que la visión provoque en nosotros pasión y acción. Como dice el dicho popular: Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente. Cuando veamos, que el corazón comience a palpitar en nosotros, que nos motivemos y nos volvamos activos en dirección de la visión. Dios tiene una visión para el Presbiterio de Denver, que es sobrenatural, extraordinaria y eterna.

¡Si, se puede! Presbiterio de Denver

Rev. Lemuel Velasco
Pastor de la Comunidad de Adoración Divino Salvador


!Si Se Puede! (YES WE CAN!)

Every person, family group and organization should have a vision. Perhaps the place to begin is with a principle, because every principle is motivated by what one wants and with time a vision begins to emerge within us.

I believe one of the greatest gifts God has given us, in order to visualize, is not our sight but our vision. Our eyesight is a physical reality, but vision is a function of the heart. It has been proven that at times one can have sight and yet have no insight and vision. Thanks be to God that even when our eyesight fails us, we can see with our heart.

This brings to mind the story in the Bible where 2 disciples were traveling on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)

They came to the edge of the village where they were headed. He acted as if he were going on but they pressed him: “Stay and have supper with us. It’s nearly evening; the day is done.” So he went in with them. And here is what happened: He sat down at the table with them. Taking the bread, he blessed and broke and gave it to them. At that moment, open-eyed, wide-eyed, they recognized him. And then he disappeared.

Back and forth they talked. “Didn’t we feel on fire as he conversed with us on the road, as he opened up the Scriptures for us?”

I want to thank God for those believers who have come before us. I thank God for all those who have had the vision and the mission to proclaim the Gospel in the Presbytery of Denver. “Eben Ezer” “God has helped us This far.” (1 Samuel 7:12).

In addition, I thank God for the opportunity to participate in this current visioning process. I thank God for each of my peers as we have worked in the Vision Construction Team (VCT) of the Denver Presbytery. It is a call, a blessing, and a commitment.

God is making us aware of His will for this presbytery, with this revelation God also empowers us with faith to do His will. I am confident that God’s timing is perfect, to His honor and Glory!

Pray for us that we may continue focused on God’s will and vision for this presbytery. May we continue connected to God that we might find the strength, creativity, and fortitude to continue until our task is finished.

May this emerging vision provoke in us passion and action for without a vision we will perish! Friends, let us see not just with the eyes but with the heart as well. And may our hearts warmly and eagerly beat in us that we may be motivated and actively participate in God’s vision for this presbytery. If the vision is of God, than we can be sure that it is supernatural, extraordinary and of eternal value!

As was the rallying cry of the United Farm Workers, so to it should be ours, “!Si Se Puede!”

Rev. Lemuel Velasco
Pastor New Worshiping Community Divino Salvador

June 1, 2021 Vision Construction Team Update from Ruling Elder Daphne Rice-Allen

When I was asked to participate with the Vision Construction Team, my first thought was, "what kind of name is that for a church committee?" Then my thoughts went to, "O’ boy, what are they constructing?" Now, here is the bigger O’ boy, "what kind of commitment would be required of me?"

After a few conversations with Pastor Amo and others from Presbytery, I said "yes," still wondering about this Vision Construction Team concept.

Well, I believe this is now my 15th Saturday morning meeting “Faithfully” -- and I do mean faithfully-- attending our meetings. The Team even has two Denver Presbytery Assemblies under our belts. This Vision Construction Team has created a surprising amount of work for me to do, but that is what a “vision” does. It requires a lot of imagination, a lot of revealing of the heart, mind and soul. Visioning, exposes and uncovers the hard work it takes to be a follower of Jesus Christ, because...let's face it...as a human, I like things simple and uncomplicated. But, between the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit “easy” was not part of the plan.

Our VCT forages forward "to encourage, equip, and challenge congregations, broader faith expressions, covenant partners, and their leaders, as they share the love and shalom of Jesus Christ." And the vision to become a "diverse, hospitable, innovative presbytery where ministries can thrive, servant leaders grow, and communities are engaged."

We encourage you to read, devotionally pray with, and discuss with your fellow disciples, the Mission, Vision and Values we shared with the DenPres Assembly on May 25 and are moving forward with.

We are always open to comments, questions, hopes, and aspirations. You can message us at VCT@denpres.org

Together in Christ,

Ruling Elder Daphne Rice-Allen
Vision Construction Team

May 4, 2021 Vision Construction Team Update from Rev. Dr. Chris Spotts ALONE

My daughter had the unfortunate pleasure of being in four different schools in five years. And for a couple months, at the beginning of each year, she needed her mom or her dad to stay with her right up until the bell rang for school. The playground seemed like an uncertain and potentially dangerous place. In that setting the worst thing she could imagine was being left alone.  

It makes me think of the Israelites in the wilderness. They knew what it means to live in uncertainty and potential danger. They left all that they knew in Egypt: shelter, food, water. Even though Egypt wasn’t ideal, the wilderness seemed more perilous still. Perhaps it is not surprising that the last verse in the book of Exodus describes in vivid detail the presence of God among them. “ For the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle by day, and fire was in the cloud by night, before the eyes of all the house of Israel at each stage of their journey.”

There is an assurance in this text that the very presence of God will abide continually, reliably, enduringly. It is visible and identifiable. It provides the community with the assurance that God’s presence is with them. Even in the uncertainty and unsustainability of the wilderness.

That must have been reassuring. Imagine that every time you faced danger or fear or uncertainty, you could look up and literally see the presence of the one who had delivered you from Egypt right in front of you. The obvious power of God was right there; all you had to do was raise your eyes.

Friends, in the last 10 years I have heard Christians, good, honest, faithful Christian people, proclaim with fear and sorrow in their heart, the death of the Church. Most of us have noticed declining numbers and declining budgets, how the world is changing, how the tried-and-true ways of engaging our world and our neighbor seem ineffectual. It’s an uncertain and potentially dangerous time. It’s almost like we’re in the wilderness.

But we are not anymore alone in the wilderness that the Israelites were. Like the Israelites we are tempted to look back to the place from which we have come and assume that the familiar is where we will find safety. But the place from which we have come is not where the pillar of God leads. The pillar of God is always out in front, taking us on to the Promised Land. And no matter how scary or unknown the wilderness may be to us, God is undaunted. God does not lead us out into the wilderness to abandon us and see if we can survive.

The pillar of cloud signifies God’s presence, but it also signifies God’s leadership and guidance. And in a world that is changing as fast as ours is, we need both. We need the promise of God’s presence. We need the reliable, constant, enduring presence of God. We need that reassurance; we need that comfort. We are transformed and made new by God’s presence. But God never intends for us to sit comfortably in God’s presence. The cloud never settles for long.

Just as we need God’s presence, we need God’s guidance. We need God to lead us into the wilderness, to lead us fearlessly into the unknown. When we rest in God’s presence, we are transformed; when we rise and follow God’s guidance, we participate in the transformation of the world. And the world around us is desperately in need of presence. God’s presence, and ours. So, we, as the Church, must be sure to sink into the presence of God that we can be centered and transformed. And then we must follow the itinerant God, whose home is a tent, out into the world.

I’m excited that God is still out in front, that God’s presence is never behind us, but is always out in front leading us on to the Promised Land. As we seek to discern God’s direction for Denver Presbytery let us never forget to follow that cloud.

Rev. Dr. Christopher Spotts

April 22, 2021 Vision Construction Team Needs YOUR Input!


Greetings Denver Presbyterians & Friends,

We are in the process of listening to how God is moving among us in order to focus on God's vision and help us participate with God's mission. To do that the Vision Construction Team of Denver Presbytery requests 10-15 minutes of your time to respond to this survey.

IMPORTANT! We want broad input to help listen closely for God's mission for DenPres! If you lead a congregation, new worshipping community, task force or ministry partner would you please forward this survey link (available in English and Spanish) to anyone in your ministry who you consider a servant leader--elders, staff, deacons, leadership team members...

SPANISH VERSION https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/spanish4800
ENGLISH VERSION https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DP4800

We will be reporting aggregate themes and key insights that result from this survey. We will not use anybody's identity without requesting your permission and you granting us permission to do so

THANK YOU!! in advance for your valuable attention and meaningful contribution to the present and future of Denver Presbytery!

Your Vision Construction Team,
Rev. Paula Steinbacher, Church of the Eternal Hills
Daphne Rice-Allen, Peoples Presbyterian Church
Rev. John Yu, True Light Community Church
Rob Habiger, Central Presbyterian Church
Rev. Russ Kane, New Hope Presbyterian Church
Kendal Mullins, Wellshire Presbyterian Church
Rev. Lemuel Velasco, Divino Salvador
Rev. Chris Spotts, First Presbyterian Church, Brighton

April 20, 2021 Vision Construction Team Update from Rev. Dr. John Yu FOLLOWERSHIP


“나를 따라오라 내가 너희를 사람을 낚는 어부가 되게 하리라”(마 4:19). 예수님께서 부르셨습니다. 베드로와 안드레가 먼저, 그리고 야고보와 요한, 그 외에 여러 사람들이 예수님을 따랐습니다. 그리고 이 세상은 완전히 변했습니다.

리더쉽은 중요한 덕목입니다. 그리고 많은 사람들은 리더가 되고자 노력합니다. 단체들은 리더쉽이 강한 사람들을 찾습니다. 나라는 좋은 리더가 있어야 번창할 수 있습니다. 스포츠 팀이 우승을 하려면 선수들을 하나로 묶고 인도 할 리더가 필요합니다. 교회도 열매 맺고 부흥을 하려면 좋은 리더가 필요합니다. 성공을 하려면 좋은 리더가 반드시 필요합니다.

기독교 리더쉽은 팔로월쉽이 먼저여야 합니다. 잘 따라야 좋은 리더가 될 수 있습니다. 우리의 참된 리더이신 예수 그리스도를 잘 따를 수 있어야 좋은 기독교 리더가 될 수 있습니다. 예수님께서 가시는 곳을 따라 가야합니다. 예수님께서 보시는 것을 보고, 예수님께서 들으시는 것을 들을 수 있어야 합니다. 예수님의 마음을 아프게 하는 것이 우리의 마음을 아프게 해야 합니다. 예수님을 따르는 것이 기독교인의 삶의 근본적인 모습입니다.

우리 비전팀은 덴버 노회가 앞으로 나아갈 방향이 예수님께서 원하시는 방향이 될 수 있도록 분별하며 나아가고 있습니다. 매주 토요일마다 모여서 어떻게 하면 우리의 리더이신 예수님을 잘 따를 수 있을까 고민하고 있습니다. 팀원들은 다 각자의 생각을 가지고 팀에 들어왔습니다. 교회를 사랑하고 덴버 노회를 위해 헌신하는 마음으로 주인의식을 가지고 들어왔습니다. 하지만 우리는 주인이 아니라 청지기입니다. 교회도 노회도 다 예수님께서 주인이십니다. 그렇다면 우리가 가져야 하는 비전은 바로 예수님의 비전이어야 합니다.

많은 생각과 아이디어를 가지고 이제 노회의 비전과 미션, 그리고 가치를 정리하는 일을 비전팀이 이제 하고 있습니다. 여러분들이 나눠 주었던 이야기들을 듣고 함께 예수님의 비전을 같이 품을 수 있기를 소망합니다. 지금까지 나눠 주셨던 것처럼 앞으로도 많이 나누고 기도해 주시기를 부탁드립니다. 그래서 함께 분멸하고 예수님을 따를 수 있기를 소망합니다.

계속해서 비전팀을 위해 기도해 주시기 바랍니다. 그래서 우리 비전팀이 예수님께서 보시는 것을 보시고 들으시는 것을 들을 수 있기를 소망합니다. 그리고 예수님께서 가시는 곳을 갈 수 있는 덴버 노회가 되기를 소망합니다. 우리 모두 우리의 참된 리더이신 예수님을 따라갑시다.

여러분의 기도의 빚진 자
유지훈 목사
덴버 노회 비전팀


“Follow me, and I will make you fish for people” (Matthew 4:19, NRSV). Jesus called. Peter and Andrew first, and then James and John, and several others later followed Jesus. The world would never be the same again.

Leadership is a valued characteristic. Many people desire to be leaders. Organizations seek after candidates with leadership qualities. Nations need quality leaders to lead the country through the good and the bad. Sport teams need a leadership bring home the trophy. Churches need leaders to take them down the right path – path that leads to fruitful and vital ministries. Many of us desire to be that leader to bring “success” to our communities.

But Christian leadership begins with followership. It begins with following our one true leader – our Lord Jesus Christ. Wherever Jesus goes, we need to follow. Whatever Jesus sees, we need to see. Whatever Jesus hears, we need to hear. Whatever breaks Jesus’ heart, those things need to be break our hearts. Following Jesus is what our lives should be all about.

As Vision Construction Team continues its work, we are discerning where it is that Jesus wants to take the Denver Presbytery next. As mentioned in previous updates, the team has been meeting every Saturday to discern together how we may follow our leader. Some of us had our own ideas about how to make Denver Presbytery better or where we would like to see Denver Presbytery go. We made commitment to this process, because this our Presbytery and we want to take ownership of it. But ultimately it is Jesus’ church. It is Jesus’ presbytery, and we are but stewards. We need to follow Jesus’ vision.

The VCT is starting to put our ideas and thoughts concerning the vision, mission, and values into words. We want to thank you all for your prayers and your input through Bright Spotting exercise and other means. We will continue to listen to your ideas and input as we move forward. This is all part of discerning together how we may best follow our leader.

Please continue to pray for the Vision Construction Team to be able to see and hear what Jesus is seeing and hearing, and go wherever Jesus is going. Let us follow our great leader together.

Indebted in your prayers,

Rev. Dr. John Yu
Pastor – True Light Community Church
Vision Construction Team