The Presbytery of Denver “opens the doors” to building reconciliation. We’ve heard a lot about “white privilege” over the past year, but do we really know what that is? Do we know that there are many types of privilege—class, gender and race are just a few examples? To further reconciliation within the Body of Christ, the Presbytery of Denver, with the help of Adrian Miller (Executive Director of the Colorado Council of Churches), will create a sacred and safe space for food and fellowship as we explore the various forms of privilege we carry.
On Thursday, March 30, at 6:00 p.m. at True Light Community Church, 2620 S Parker Rd, Aurora, CO 80014, (map), please bring your favorite thing to eat, bring enough to share with others, and bring an open heart, mind and spirit to discuss this vitally important topic. All are welcome, but we ask you to RSVP by March 27.