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Presbyterian Voting Campaign!


The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is committed to taking a continued stand for equity and equality for all God’s people. Seeking to be a faithful witness to the need to continue to stand and bear witness in issues of justice, the Presbyterian Voting Campaign has been created to engage, educate, and motivate people to exercise their right to vote, especially those who are a part of marginalized communities.

Both Jesus and John Calvin placed a significant emphasis on the role of justice advocacy as central to our faith. Participation in the electoral process is a part of our responsibility as people of faith. We are called to vote our faith convictions at the polls. These convictions are grounded on principles of faith commitment and a larger view of building both global and local communities that are sustainable through sharing the resources of God. Jesus’ call to faithful community building through the inclusion of all people and our denominational commitment to voter participation and justice are at the center of this campaign. The call to challenge current voter disenfranchisement and government’s collusion with corporate wealth continue to be at the center of our special emphasis throughout the PC(USA)’s Season of Peace, which began on Sunday, Sept. 6, 2020.


Oct. 30, 4 p.m. ET­ — Young Leaders of Color Discussion ­­
Led by the Presbyterian Intercultural Young Adult Network. Come explore issues on voting with young leaders of color in the denomination. This is a private conversation geared towards young leaders and will require registration. Register here.

Nov. 3, 6 p.m. ET — Just Talk: Election Night
“Just Talk Live: Election Night!” Join Destini and Lee for a night of election coverage with a faith-based twist. The show will feature people from around the country bringing their perspectives of the election and how it intersects with their faith. “Just Talk Live: Election Night” will air on Facebook Live @JusticeUnbound and on Twitter @UnboundJustice. Watch other episodes of Just Talk Live.