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Faith Formation Advocacy Monthly Gathering | JUNE

Whether you are staff for Children, Youth or Everything, pastor, volunteer or anyone trying to figure out what Summer Ministry might...could.....possibly look like? You are invited to join us by Zoom:

Colleagues in Faith Formation Ministry,

It is the third week of June already and we are gathering this Thursday, June 18, at 10 am by ZOOM.  Please consider joining us even for a short bit of time.

This month we are just checking in with one another!  A time to LISTEN, to SHARE where you are at in the midst of all of this and how you are really doing. Some are moving forward in new positions—others feel like they are in new positions as they move forward—some are facing budget cuts and cuts in hours as church finances are stressed— others are working endless hours towards Summer Ministries, Worship pieces or trying to figure out next Fall (Let that go for another month and we walk through that one together in July)— some barely have their head above water - others are still trying to gasp for air just below the surface.

Bring it to our time on Thursday and let's just support and walk alongside one another in these unraveling times.Here is the Zoom Link for our Gathering:
Meeting ID: 845 4844 3386
Password: 596656One tap mobile
+12532158782,,84548443386#,,,,0#,,596656# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,84548443386#,,,,0#,,596656# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
        +1 346 248 7799 US 
        +1 669 900 6833 US 
Meeting ID: 845 4844 3386
Password: 596656