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Interfaith Immigration Network | Immigration Learning Opportunities

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Journey with Migrants (JwM), a Mission Partnership of Denver Presbytery, is sponsoring an educational opportunity on immigration issues.  They will host an education program adapted from an educational series developed by the local Interfaith Immigration Network (IIN).

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Interfaith Immigration Network was organized at the end of 2019 as a network of individuals of different faith traditions in the Greater Denver area, allied with immigrants that work to convene and present a strong interfaith voice in support of immigrants and their rights. Interfaith Immigration Network seeks to provide education, outreach, and support for religious organizations to catalyze their engagement with immigrant lives and immigrant rights.

One of Interfaith Immigration Network’s major projects has been the development of Vecinos (“neighbors” in Spanish), an educational series  comprised of six 90-minute sessions (“Cafecitos”).  Each Cafecito features aligned scripture, qualified and compelling speakers, whole and small group discussion, reflection, and print and media resources for further investigation. Vecinos begins with three Cafecitos structured to provide a grounded foundation (Pod One: Hearts and Minds) and is followed by three Cafecitos that share action steps to ally with our immigrant neighbors (Pod Two: Faith into Action).  Click here for a flyer regarding the Vecinos Programming. The Vecinos Program was enthusiastically embraced by  individuals who participated in a pilot program and who urged Interfaith Immigration Network to disseminate the program more widely.

Journey with Migrants is hosting Pod 1 this fall and will host Pod 2 in the Winter-Spring of 2022.  Since we are primarily targeting this opportunity for the Presbyterian faith community, we have added one session to Pod One that focuses on PCUSA social policies and practices regarding immigration issues.  Here are the details:

Interfaith Immigration Network – Vecinos – Pod One – Hearts and Minds

November 10
Immigrant Voices: How do the stories from today’s immigrants inform our beliefs and practices?

November 17
PCUSA Immigration Policies and Practices.”  What have been  denominational responses to immigration issues?

Each session will be a virtual meeting using the Zoom platform. The sessions will start at 7:00 PM and will be facilitated by IIN folks.

All persons are welcome to participate.  Due to the platform and the objectives of the program the number of participants will be limited to 15.  To register (no fee) please respond to Bob Trout  Please provide your name, email address, and your faith community.  Feel free to reach out to Bob at 303.521.9811 if you have questions.

Justice leads to Peace.

Bob Trout – Journey with Migrants Education Lead
Lemuel Velasco – Journey with Migrants Co-Moderator
Jean Demmler – Journey with Migrants Co-Moderator