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Church Survey | Final Dispositions

Presbytery needs your help. 

We are aware many of you have cemeteries, columbariums or other roles or responsibilities for the care of the remains of those who have died.  We are grateful for your faithfulness and compassionate stewardship to provide ongoing care for them.  We do not have this information for our individual congregations to share with you any news or information that might come to us.

We recognize there is a cost associated with ongoing care and maintenance of these sacred places.  The Presbyterian Foundation has advised the presbytery that should one of our churches transition to something else and they have on their property, or responsibility for, storing of ashes, skeletons, bodies, or caskets of loved ones, that responsibility will transfer to the presbytery.  It would help us to know what you are currently providing in care as well as logistical and financial provisions.  This care can be mowing, stone/marker repairs, security, and cleaning.  Also, do you have a plan in place for extended care?

We can provide resources when we receive them to support you. As well, should the care of these sites be transferred to the presbytery, we can plan appropriately to have the financial means to continue honoring the standard of care of these sacred spaces that you currently provide.

Please take the time to complete the survey below to provide information for presbytery records. We appreciate your help.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Pat Queen, Co-Chair of the Finance & Property Committee.