PARTNERING | Courageously Conspiring Together
Join us as we kick off our theme for Denver Presbytery for 2025. This years theme is a collaboration of the focused value of our presbytery Partnering, and the Matthew 25 emphasis of vital congregations.
Does the word conspiring spark some discomfort or curiosity? Come hear as our new moderator, Rev. Ruth McCollum Huff, shares the focus of conspiring we are creating courageously together.
Registration is how we plan, make sure we have enough food for everyone and prepare your name tag to make you feel welcome. If you want dinner, please do us the courtesy of registering no later than January 20th. If you do not want/need dinner, registration is open until January 27th. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Calvary Presbyterian Church at First Plymouth United Church of Christ
3501 South Colorado Boulevard, Englewood, CO
ONLINE via Zoom
Registration to attend online is now closed. Please feel free to join us in person at Calvary PC.
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Minister members and those registered as Ruling Elder Commissioners with Denver Presbytery, will receive this email to register for the meeting.
As you know, food costs have increased. We are offering two price options, $22 or $15. Both are subsized by your per capita dollars so the hosting faith community is not burdened. We invite you to pay what you can, please join us for dinner and fellowship. Click below to purchase dinner in advance if you registered for it during your registration process or you can pay by credit card at check in at our gathering.
5 PM | In person Registration and Check-in, fellowship and dinner begin
5:50 PM | On-line Check-in begins
6 PM | Assembly begins
We will be having communion at this gathering. If you plan to join us via Zoom, please plan to bring your own elements to join us at the table.
During our gathering we will receive the Special Needs Offering. This offering is normally received at the January Assemblies, Ordination and Installation services goes to support the Presbytery’s Special Needs Fund. Through your generosity, we can provide pastoral care for our ministers, candidates, and their families when facing medical or financial concerns. Thank you for your gifts, enabling us to minister to our ministers. Please make checks payable to the Presbytery of Denver or use the QR code to donate electronically. Thank you!
Presiding: Rev. Ruth McCollum Huff Moderator, Ruling Elder Chris Wineman, Vice Moderator