All proposed constitutional amendments have been ratified

The hard copy of the Book of Order is not available for shipping at this time, but there is a PDF version can be found here. This incorporates the changes approved by the 222nd General Assembly and ratified by the Presbytery.  

Click here to order your copy of the 2017-2019 Book of Order.

An excerpt explains the changes that are included: 
The 222nd General Assembly (2016) approved and the presbyteries took action to replace the Directory for Worship with a new Directory for Worship. The assembly also approved and the presbyteries took action to replace the following terms as follows: “teaching elder” with “minister” or “minister of the Word and Sacrament”; “ruling elder commissioned to pastoral service” with “commissioned pastor (also known as commissioned ruling elder)”. The amendments to the Form of Government, Directory for Worship, and Rules of Discipline, proposed to the presbyteries by the 222nd General Assembly (2016) and approved by a majority of the presbyteries, are included in this volume. Words that have been stricken are omitted from the text. New wording appears in boldface within the appropriate paragraph. These amendments take effect on June 25, 2017. Amendments have been made in the following places:
Book of Order Minutes, 2016 Book of Order Minutes, 2016 F-3.0202 49, 51, 359 G-3.0109 49, 50, 354 G-1.0304 62, 65, 556 G-3.0307 49, 51, 360 G-2.0102 49, 51, 359 G-2.0301 49, 51, 359 G-2.05 & G-2.0501 49, 51, 359–60 Directory for Worship 15, 17–19, 978ff G-2.0509 49, 50, 51, 365 D-10.0401 49, 50, 51, 365 G-2.0701 49, 51, 360 Ordered Ministry Titles 49, 51, 360 G-2.1101 49, 52, 376 G-3.0106 32, 34, 290–91 June 2017 J. Herbert Nelson, II Stated Clerk of the General Assembly Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Click here to read the news on PC(USA).org.
If you have questions about the changes to the Book of Order, please contact our Stated Clerk, Olivia Hudson Smith.