Help Defend the Ministerial Housing Allowance

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The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is fighting to have the ministerial housing allowance removed from the tax code and declared unconstitutional. A federal judge has already ruled in their favor. It’s time to stand up and protect our churches—and ministers like you who rely on the housing allowance.

In October 2017, U.S. District Court Judge Barbara Crabb from the Western District of Wisconsin declared the ministerial housing allowance unconstitutional. Judge Crabb’s decision is on hold and has been appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. And that’s where you come in.

We have an opportunity to remind the court of the importance and constitutionality of this time-honored tradition by filing a friend-of-the-court brief in the case. But we need to do so now. The more pastors, like you, who are willing to sign their names and stand up to this attack from anti-religion activists, the more influential this brief will be. Every signature makes a difference.

If this ruling is not overturned, it will affect hundreds of thousands of pastors and churches around the U.S. that rely on this vital tax exemption. Some pastors, in areas where housing costs are already prohibitive, may have to take a second job, send their spouse to work, or leave the ministry altogether. We must help the court recognize the overwhelming number of ministers and families across the U.S. who will be impacted by its decision.

You can help make your voice heard and support the ministerial housing allowance by signing the brief.