Rev. Paula Steinbacher and Vice Moderator Wanda Beauman represent

Global insights inspire local action

Wanda Beauman at UN conference.jpeg

by Sue Washburn | Presbyterian News Service

Wanda Beauman (left) and Sharon Gibbons (right) share an interest in advocating for women who have experienced domestic violence. (Photo by Sue Washburn)



NEW YORK — The participants at the 62nd Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) at the United Nations come from all over the world and their interests are as varied as their geography. Bulletin boards boast a wide variety of event invitations. From advocating for LGBTQI rights to exploring feminism and Korean TV to genital mutilation in Africa, chances are if the issue affects women, it’s being addressed by a UN agency or by one of the many Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that sponsor lectures and discussions.