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Faith Formation Advocacy Monthly Gathering

  • Wellshire Presbyterian Church 2999 S Colorado Blvd Denver, CO (map)

At our January Gathering we dreamed and visioned new things for our Faith Formation Advocacy Covenant Community. One of those ideas was to offer workshops on a quarterly basis.  Workshops will be presentations hopefully most by outside folks that we bring in for their expertise that focus on a variety of key Faith Formation topics.  While we aren't quite ready to unveil what we envision the workshops to look like, we are kicking one off in a modified form for February 2020.

Thursday, February 20, 2020 | 10 am - noon | Wellshire Presbyterian Church | 2999 S. Colorado Blvd | Denver CO
Environmentally Sustainable Ministry and Resource Share

Hosted by Kendal Mullins

We will have presenters share: 
Green Church & Environmental Stewardship
Environmental Education Ministries - VBS & other programs
Craftism (Activism through Crafting)

Also bring any Resources (curriculum, Bible Studies, books) that you are willing to get rid of and Share!

Come and learn from what others have brought and shared.  Past VBS Kits to loan as well! Anything that isn't taken you need to take back to your church. Let's be environmentally wise and share our resources instead of cluttering up closets or throwing away