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Next online Matthew 25 event planned for July 29


With a focus on dismantling racism, churches can take steps to bring about racial justice

by Melody K. Smith | Presbyterian News Service

LOUISVILLE — The Matthew 25  invitation continues to be embraced by congregations and mid councils, even through a pandemic and times of social unrest. Or, just maybe, because of those things.

The three focuses of the Matthew 25 vision are to build congregational vitality, eradicate systemic poverty and dismantle structural racism. In view of the current unrest and protest in our nation, the call to be a Matthew 25 church is more compelling than ever. The first Matthew 25 event was held on June 10, with over 500 churches registering. The event facilitated sharing and dialogue that was so well received, more events were requested. With this in mind, the next online event — Matthew 25: Dismantling Racism — is scheduled for July 29 from 2–3 p.m. Eastern Time via Zoom. READ FULL STORY→

Later Event: August 1
Census 2020: Deadline Extended!