2020 Minister Minimum Compensation and Pulpit Supply Increases

At the October 22, 2019 Assembly, Committee on Ministry proposed an increase in the minimum salary for ministers in Denver Presbytery. It was approved by Presbytery.

The changes are as follows:

  1. The 2020 base minimum salary and housing in Denver Presbytery shall be$51,078 (3% increase of $1488/yr.) NOTE: These are revised each year.

  2. When a manse is furnished for the pastor’s use, the annual minimum for 2020 shall be $37,188 (3% increase of $1083/yr.)

  3. The "study leave" period minimum shall be two weeks, including 2 Sundays, maybe cumulative for 3 years.

  4. The "continuing education" minimum shall be $1000 per year (increased 2019).

  5. The annual vacation minimum shall be 4 weeks, including 5 Sundays.

  6. Churches shall be instructed on the importance of meeting pastor ministry and mileage expenses through an accountable reimbursement program.

  7. Churches in the Presbytery whose ministry location puts them in the area of extreme housing costs, are encouraged to find ways to face this burden. Such approaches may include "equity share" investments to reduce the cost of a monthly mortgage payment, purchase of a manse or other creative financing approaches.

  8. The funding of Board of Pension dues for plan participants should be determined by each congregation working with plan participants who elect optional coverage.Financial tools such as IRS Part 125 plans (healthcare reimbursement accounts,Health Flexible Spending Account, Health Reimbursement Arrangement, etc.) or other tools discussed in IRS Publication 969 may be useful to both parties as well as contacting the Board of Pensions.

  9. The Presbytery strongly recommends that each Session and installed pastor plan for a Clergy Renewal. If there is no plan for a Clergy Renewal, there are resources available to assist that conversation, and if the congregation has a Clergy Renewal (Sabbatical) Plan, it should be reviewed each year to be sure session, congregation and Minister are “on track”.

Approved: October 22, 2019

During a recent Committee on Ministry meeting, changes to the guidelines for supply preaching were amended to recommend $175 to conduct of one worship service a Sunday and $225 for conducting two worship services on Sunday.