A 15 Year Milestone

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This year Denver Presbytery Celebrates the 15 Year Anniversary of our partnership with the Presbytery of Zimbabwe! If not for the pandemic, we would be welcoming delegates from Zimbabwe this month, and preparing to send delegates there. We would be having grand celebrations with excellent food and dancing! We would be sharing the work of our churches and welcoming delegates to preach in our pulpits.

Our connection with Zimbabwe can be confusing, especially if you are new to the Presbytery. One reason for this is that there are numerous Mission Partnerships connected to Zimbabwe. That is, several churches that have banded together around a specific mission in Zimbabwe such as: Zimbabwe Kidz providing clean water to schools, the Zimbabwe Mission Partnership supporting an Orphan Care Center, The Lomagundi Clinic Partnership providing healthcare through a local clinic, and the Nakai Task Force focusing on women’s health.

The one that we are ALL a part of is the Partnership between our Presbyteries! This partnership was formed 15 years ago with the primary emphasis being on building relationships between our Presbyteries. How amazing it is to be in relationship with brothers and sisters thousands of miles away and to learn from and support each other’s ministries!

A successful outgrowth of our partnership is the Central Fund which helps to fund business projects in Zimbabwe that support the mission of the Presbytery of Zimbabwe and provide supplemental stipends to the pastors. Some of the businesses run by their Presbytery include Vimridge farm and greenhouses, egg production, a cattle herd, and a fuel depot.

A huge way we stay connected is through sending delegates to Zim every year, and hosting delegates from Zim. In 2020, this was not possible due to the pandemic. We also have opportunities for short term service, where pastors and elders can serve alongside a Zimbabwean congregation for up to a month.

In lieu of sending delegates in person this year, we’d like to send a collection of video greetings! If you would like to record a short greeting to send please contact Barb Lyons at barb@covenantdtc.org