Tuesday of Holy Week Devotional from Becoming a Beloved Community

Tuesday of Holy Week April 7 | Grace H. Park

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. — Leviticus 19:34

Jesus’ first miracle was one of hospitality, providing more wine at a wedding to ensure the guests had plenty. In this incredible act, Jesus was following the Middle Eastern understanding of the concept of welcome and providing for others.

Years before Jesus walked on this earth, God commanded the Israelites as recorded in the book of Leviticus to open their hearts and homes to others, to strangers in their midst, to provide for and welcome them. Why did God ask them to do this? Was it to remind them of their beginnings, to remind them to rely on God for provision as they provided for others? Perhaps. But perhaps it was to remind them that God has room at the table for everyone. No one is to be a stranger — everyone has a place with God.

Fred Rogers once said, “Discovering the truth about ourselves is a lifetime’s work, but it’s worth the effort.” The Lenten season, especially Holy Week, is the time to look inward and upward, to discover more of who we are in the light of God’s love and be drawn closer to God through this time.

Loving and welcoming God, help me to invite all to the table that Christ has set for us. Help me to have a heart for those who need hospitality, for it is in this welcoming that our hearts may continue to grow and stretch. Amen