Emergency Grant Funds Now Available!

On March 16, 2020, The Council of Denver Presbytery took the proactive step of forming an Emergency Procedures Commission (EPC) and was approved by Assembly last night during our Zoom Special Called Meeting. This Commission shall act on behalf of the Presbytery in emergency situations (such as the current pandemic) by addressing financial concerns that cannot wait until the Assembly next meets.

The Emergency Procedures Commission shall consist of Joel Adams, Wanda Beauman, Dana Hughes, Peter Hulac, Kendal Mullins, Olivia Hudson Smith, Bruce Spear, Justin Spurlock and Chris Wineman.

Since the formation of the EPC, we have seen the Coronavirus affecting our congregations through the threat of serious illness, fear and social isolation, job insecurity and job loss among many of our members, financial implications upon people, congregations and all governing bodies and their programs. Yet as members of the Body of Christ, we still claim our call to serve God and God’s people with energy, intelligence imagination, and love.
Denver Presbytery is committed to helping our congregations as our resources allow. We recognize that some of our congregations have been experiencing financial challenges even before the current crisis began. Given the uncertainty that the current pandemic is creating for most of our congregations, we believe it is important to offer immediate assistance to those churches that will suffer in the coming months. 
The government Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act invites small businesses, including churches, to apply for financial assistance, and many of our churches are applying. In order to provide assistance to our churches before CARES Act funds are distributed, or in the event CARES Act funds are not available, Denver Presbytery is offering grants of $5,000 to each of our congregations.
To receive one of these grants, simply send an email copy of your CARES Act Loan application to accounting@denpres.org
The Presbytery’s resources are not unlimited – and their value is declining in the present market. The Colorado Trust is the source of 74% of our operating budget, and the amount we receive each quarter depends entirely on how well the Colorado Trust's funds have done in the stock market. Given the volatile nature of the market, we are bracing for a 20% reduction in what we receive from the Trust.
In addition, the Presbytery currently serves as guarantor of $7 million in Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program (PILP) loans to several of our congregations. It is incumbent upon us to maintain a healthy level of reserves to backstop those loans.
We are all members of one Body, and together we seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance as we work for the vitality of our churches.  Let us keep each other in prayer, and reach with all hands for the future that God is creating. 
 If you have questions, please contact Chuck Sparks at accounting@denpres.org

God be with you,


Joel Adams                              
Wanda Beauman
Dana Hughes
Peter Hulac
Kendal Mullins
Pat Queen (Finance & Property Resource)
Olivia Hudson Smith
Bruce Spear
Justin Spurlock
Chris Wineman