World Vision Denver | Clean Water

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Clean Water / COVID-19 and You!

You turn the tap on and can clean your hands to help prevent catching COVID-19. That clean water to maintain our health is something we take for granted. Not everyone in our world is so lucky.

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Lack of clean water is a leading cause of death in the developing world and a major contributor to health complications right here in the US. Thousands of children die each day due to water-related illness. Many people, primarily women and children, walk an average of 3.5 miles each day to fetch water that isn’t even safe to drink. These long treks keep children out of school and put them in danger, and the water they drink often makes them very sick.

But you can help to change that appalling situation. You can support the Denver local church teams that are running to help global people and communities experience transformation, hope, and life in all its fullness. We do this by raising money for clean water projects in communities around the world. In fact, every $50 raised means lasting clean water for one person.

Team World Vision is a ministry of World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

World Vision is the largest non-governmental provider of clean water in the world, reaching one new person with clean water every 10 seconds. The water projects you help make possible include more than just wells. They are dams, pipelines, solar-powered pumps, rain catchment systems, and water kiosks, to name a few. World Vision’s water projects are sustainable because of the community’s ownership, leadership, and ongoing maintenance. These projects work in tandem to provide improved sanitation (latrines) and hygiene (hand-washing) solutions.

How can you help? Your church can create a Denver Rock n Roll team to move your feet for clean water, sanitation and hygiene.  You’re not a runner? That means you’re part of the 80% of Team World Vision participants who learn how to use their feet to be part of bringing these incredible solutions to those in need.


You can also help by donating the gift of clean water to an existing team or specific runner. Just go to and find the team or committed runner you wish to encourage and support.

Want more information or want to sign up? You can contact Jodi McDaniel (Team World Vision Denver,, 360-840-0828) or Michael McLane (Denver Presbytery Council,, 303-668-5548). Or read more about how a clean water running team can transform your church at

Help us change the world through clean water!