O' boy, what kind of commitment would be required of me?

When I was asked to participate with the Vision Construction Team, my first thought was, "what kind of name is that for a church committee?" Then my thoughts went to, "O’ boy, what are they constructing?" Now, here is the bigger O’ boy, "what kind of commitment would be required of me?"

After a few conversations with Pastor Amo and others from Presbytery, I said "yes," still wondering about this Vision Construction Team concept.

Well, I believe this is now my 15th Saturday morning meeting “Faithfully” -- and I do mean faithfully-- attending our meetings. The Team even has two Denver Presbytery Assemblies under our belts. This Vision Construction Team has created a surprising amount of work for me to do, but that is what a “vision” does. It requires a lot of imagination, a lot of revealing of the heart, mind and soul. Visioning, exposes and uncovers the hard work it takes to be a follower of Jesus Christ, because...let's face it...as a human, I like things simple and uncomplicated. But, between the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit “easy” was not part of the plan.

Our VCT forages forward "to encourage, equip, and challenge congregations, broader faith expressions, covenant partners, and their leaders, as they share the love and shalom of Jesus Christ." And the vision to become a "diverse, hospitable, innovative presbytery where ministries can thrive, servant leaders grow, and communities are engaged."

We encourage you to read, devotionally pray with, and discuss with your fellow disciples, the Mission, Vision and Values we shared with the DenPres Assembly on May 25 and are moving forward with.

We are always open to comments, questions, hopes, and aspirations. You can message us at VCT@denpres.org

Together in Christ,

Ruling Elder Daphne Rice-Allen
Vision Construction Team