Arvada and Trinity have a new name!

We wanted to let you know that the merging congregations from the former Trinity & Arvada churches have voted to adopt their new name.

A mockup of our sign along Wadsworth

Community of Grace


The complete list of our new name, mission, values and vision can be viewed with the link below. The congregation received this same document prior to our vote this past Sunday for review of all of our efforts to define who we have become as a joined community. The vote was overwhelmingly positive and the pre-vote discussion added insights and addressed how and why we proposed this new name.!AmVJutxiToOmg0vSBXrzZvpbJT4p?e=k0nvR8

We will begin the process of working through the legal and electronic formation for our new church immediately, as well as working with Olivia to establish our church with the PC(USA). I hope you all find this milestone in our progress as exciting as it was received by our congregation!



Michael McLane, Co-Moderator Administrative Commission