The work for the Agency Review Task Force has begun!

With the approval of a new mission, vision, and values, our Presbytery has embarked on an ambitious program to review the current administrative structure of committees and workgroups (agencies) with the goal of proposing a new, more efficient structure well aligned with our mission, vision, and values. This is a significant undertaking, and the Council has asked our task force to recommend a new structure at the May Assembly.

Buckle your seat belts and hang on to your hats, there is a lot of exciting work going on in Denver Presbytery.  Working under a new mission, vision, and values approved by the Assembly in September, the Lead Presbyter Nominating Committee is hard at work narrowing down a list of strong candidates, and the Council has commissioned our Task Force to review the current administrative structure of committees and workgroups (we are calling them “agencies”) with the goal of proposing a new, more efficient structure well aligned with our mission, vision, and values.

One of the 8 new values of our Presbytery is Letting Go.  As we move to the next phase of life in Denver Presbytery with the possibility of some notable changes, we want to practice this value of letting go.  To help exercise this value, we are scheduling a series of listening sessions, open to anyone in the Presbytery.  These sessions will offer an opportunity to surface and express any past disappointments and hurts or major concerns related to your experience in the Presbytery.  We cannot promise to “fix” the past, but we do promise to listen.  Our prayer is that through listening, a wider path is opened for healing and leading by the Holy Spirit. 


These were incorporated from your feedback at our retreat.

  1. The new structure should be firmly based on the Presbytery’s Mission Vision and Values.

  2. Understand the work and roles of the existing agencies, but do not be bound by them in creating something new.

  3. Seek new efficiency and energy in responding to God’s calling for the Denver Presbytery by reducing the number of Presbytery agencies to no more than 12. 

  4. Consider the strengths and resources of Denver Presbytery and how God might best use them.

  5. Develop a new agency structure that is appropriate for Mid-Council work and responsibilities.

  6. Include a separate implementation plan to succeed the organizational design proposal that leaves space for honoring the great work of the Presbytery and its agencies, and includes the ability to evaluate and adjust.

  7. Update bylaws, Presbytery policies, agency guidelines and procedures, in a new Manual of Operations that clarifies authority and process. 


  • Engage those in agencies, but not let them lead/drive the process; do this with sensitivity in mind; compassion and clarity; we want their input, but Council will make decisions.  This will require very careful and clear communication as we seek information from existing agencies.

  • Transition will include a recognition phase of honoring and celebrating; bringing folks along, allowing for evaluation and adjustment.

We organize to serve our stakeholders in alignment with our Mission. Stakeholders are as defined in our mission statement: 

To encourage, equip, and challenge congregations, broader faith expressions, covenant partners, and their leaders, as they share the love and shalom of Jesus Christ.