Welcome New Minister Members

Pat Smith
Pat will be serving Eagle River Presbyterian Church as their transitional pastor. Pat shares his heart beats with the desire to encourage all people to trust in Jesus and live in ways that increasingly reflect the ways of Jesus as his apprentices and participate fully in the life-giving love of God for all people in all circumstances.


Lynn Gifford
Lynn joins as a minister member (at large). She shares, in the spring of 2022 she reconnected with her first head of staff, John Bell, a Minister Member of this Presbytery. The laughter and theological discussions were still the same, but life had changed them both and their friendship. In April of this year, they will celebrate their marriage. Her gratitude for this joyful chapter of life is abundant! She is eager to serve the Church and the Presbytery of Denver as needed and able.


David Hogue
David joins us as a retired minister member and shares he is excited to be living in the great state of Colorado, David says he looks forward to exploring opportunities to participate in the life of Denver Presbytery.