January 24, 2023 Stated Assembly Highlights


The January 24th Stated HYBRID Assembly was held at True Light Community Church, sharing space with St. Paul Presbyterian Church. 

Members from True Light Community Church provided a tradiationl Korean meal, assisted with registration and provided a welcoming space for the Presbytery Assembly.  

New Worshipping Communities (NWC)
Lead Presbyter Dee Cooper explained that going forward NWC representatives will have the opportunity to express their opinions on actions to be taken by the Assembly by advisory votes using green (yes) and red (no) cards prior to commissioner voting, as well as have voice on the floor of the Assembly. We want to listen and grow from them and their input.

Installation of Officers
Outgoing Presbytery Moderator, Paula Steinbacher thanked the Assembly for its support during her moderator year and expressed how grateful she was to serve the Presbytery in that capacity. John Yu, Pastor True Light Community Church and Ruling Elder Pat Queen, Green Mountain Presbyterian Church, were installed as Moderator and Vice-moderator of the Presbytery of Denver for 2023.

Newly installed Moderator, John Yu explained that worship would be done in Korean in keeping with the Assembly theme for 2023 of going “Beyond – Comfort” to experience what our non-English as a first language siblings may experience in our lives together. Worship leaders included Elder Sung S. Lee and Ms. Haeshil Kim, soloist, singing “Arirang”, a Korean folk song. The Sermon Infinite God was based on Psalm 136:1-4,26, and Revelation 1:8. An Offering for the Special Needs Fund was taken.

Election of Denver Presbytery Treasurer
Sue Pilcher was re-elected as Treasurer of the Presbytery

2023 Budget
Pat Queen, Chair of the Finance and Property, Workgroup of Council, introduced the proposed 2023 Budget in two separate formats. The first format reflects the current way the Presbytery functions; the second format reflects the new structure being implemented with the names of new Committees/Commissions with a term beginning immediately upon election and expiring January 2026. The Assembly approved the 2023 budget. 

Servant Leadership Development Committee (SLDC)
Nancy Dixon introduced herself as the Moderator of this new committee. Reflecting that God is doing a new thing, the committee is in the process of discerning its path forward. Nancy presented the committee’s first official actions and Assembly approved them both.

  1. The election of the Vision Leadership Commission (VLC). Doug Friesema - two-year term, Rob Habiger, Moderator – one year term, Charla Musgrave – three-year term, Steven Scott - one year term, Chris Spotts – three-year term, Matt Syrdal – two-year term, Loye Troxler - one year term, Jill VanderWal – two-year term.  

  2. Election of Moderator and Vice-Moderator of the Ministry Relations Committee (MRC). Sheri Fry, Moderator, and Sandy Safford, Vice-Moderator.

Presbytery Loan and Investment Program (PILP)
Clare Lewis, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing, updated the Assembly on PILP investment and loan opportunities and presented eight rebate checks to Genesis, Columbine, Church of the Eternal Hills, St. James, St. Paul, First Englewood, Grace, and Eagle River.

Committee on Ministry 
Diane Ritzdorf, co-moderator, introduced new Minister Members of the Presbyter: Rev. Dr. Pat Smith, Rev. Lynn Gifford, and Rev. David Hogue.


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