Immigration Resources

Welcoming the Stranger: Immigration Resources for PC(USA) Churches

As followers of Christ, we are called to welcome the stranger, care for the vulnerable, and seek justice. Throughout Scripture, God commands us to love the foreigner among us (Leviticus 19:34) and reminds us that Jesus Himself was a refugee (Matthew 2:13-15).

In response to this biblical call, we offer these immigration resources to help Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations support, advocate for, and walk alongside immigrants in their communities. Whether through hospitality, legal aid, advocacy, or pastoral care, we invite you to explore ways your church can be a place of welcome, refuge, and hope for those seeking a new home.

May these resources equip and inspire us to live out God’s call to love and serve our neighbors, embracing the stranger as Christ among us.


Documento para Planificación Familiar (español/inglés)/ Family Planning Document (English/Spanish)
Our Family Plan/Nuestro Plan Familiar

Immigrant Support Toolkit (City of Denver)
Denver remains a welcoming city and together, we are working to ensure that families and individuals who want to make Denver their home can find the resources and the assistance they need to successfully do so. Built to address your needs, here, you can easily find and connect with information and resources provided by the City and County of Denver and community partners.

Centro de los Trabajadores Colorado
Since 2002, El Centro’s model offers programs that link day laborers, domestic workers, and other low-wage and immigrant workers to employment opportunities, education, and engaging campaigns to affect policy that strengthen their rights and address health and safety concerns. Its core programs are designed to enhance job and life skills while building leadership and strengthening relationships with the community.

PC(USA) Office of Immigration
Resources and links to information, Presbyterian policy, and worship resources

Discernment and Planning Tools for Those Facing Deportation
Guidance from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), December 2, 2024

Prepare for Detention (PCUSA)

You can empower yourself now with important information so that you are prepared should a member become detained. The Navigating Immigration Detention worksheet (PDF) can assist in planning for before detention and how to navigate the detention system once someone is detained.

The Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC) is a trusted organization that hosts a national immigration detention visitation network and monitors abuses in immigration detention. They have many resources that can help communities support members at risk of detention and deportation.

To find a family member in immigration detention, use the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainee locator. Once you have the name and location of the facility, you can use this search engine to get other important information, like visitation schedules. Typically, attorneys can visit at any time and clergy can visit if they have called in advance. Others must abide by the posted schedule.

The Red Cards Project
As an additional resource, the Immigrant Legal Resource Center has created “Red Cards” listing the rights that people of varying immigration statuses have while physically present in the United States. These cards available in multiple languages. You may order pre-printed cards for free or print your own to give to others. To find out more, click HERE.

Downloadable Guides

Factsheet: Trump’s Rescission of Protected Areas Policies Undermines Safety for All 
From the National Immigration Law Center, January 21, 2025

Guidance to Nonprofits Regarding Immigration Enforcement
Published by Lawyers Alliance for New York, December 23, 2024

Isaiah 10:1-2 warns: “Woe to those who make iniquitous decrees, who rob the poor of their rights...” This is exactly what Project 2025 seeks to do—dismantle federal protections, target immigrant communities, and eliminate essential services.


The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Washington Office has issued an Action Alert regarding Project 2025. The implementation of Project 2025 presents dangerous measures that harm the nation’s well-being. Its proposals align with several executive orders on numerous issues.

Presbyterians, and all people of faith, must respond with an onslaught of pushback to ensure our voices are heard in Congress, the administration, and among the members of the President’s cabinet and staff.

The Trump administration is already implementing its dangerous proposals. We must speak out and take action.

What You Can Do:

1. Contact your members of Congress to oppose these policies.

2. Host prayer and listening sessions in your community.

3. Support immigrant families and share their stories.

Let’s unite in prayer and action to protect those harmed by these policies. Learn more: