Courageously Conspiring Together
Moderator Pat Queen welcomed folx* to this Assembly, in the Sanctuary of First Plymouth Congregational Church, where Calvary Presbyterian Church nests.
Thank you Worship Leaders for a wonderful Assembly Worship!
Ruth McCollum Huff, Pat Queen, Dee Cooper, Chris Wineman, Michelle Fincher, gretchen Sausville, Emily Lewis, David Short, Heidi Thomas, Judy Viccellio, Diana Ngon, Dale Vodehnal, Ann Butcher.
Our incoming Denver Presbytery Moderator Ruth McCollum Huff and Vice-Moderator Chris Wineman were installed.
Dee Cooper wrote and led our Land Acknowledgement which was underscored by Heidi Thomas on the flute.
Ruth preached a sermon entitled With Heart, With Breath,Together, and introduced this year's theme Courageously Conspiring Together. Chris Wineman and Michelle Fincher celebrated communion.
Thank You Pat Queen
The Presbytery Assembly thanked outgoing Moderator Pat Queen, for her steadfastness and service. Pat, we thank you again for your leadership and service among us and with us over the last two years.
Lead Presbyter Report | Dee Cooper
Dee highlighted the new theme for this year and the importance of embodying and living into our faith. Dee highlighted the need for connection and community, and the importance of standing together against threats to dignity and safety. An invitation to all was given, to join various opportunities in the community to conspire together and be the people of God known by our love. Dee also named that it is important to read the Presbytery E-News.
Associate Presbyter for Mission Report | Fernando Rodríguez
Fernando took the opportunity to address the Assembly about our New Worshipping Communities and immigrant congregations who are directly affected by the changes happening within our political sphere. He shared out resources and connections and the ways congregations can support and be in solidarity with those who are vulnerable.
The Assembly took an offering for the Special Needs Fund of the Presbytery which provides pastoral care for our ministers, candidates, and their families when facing medical or financial concerns. If you would like to support our special needs fund, scan the QR Code to give via our website.
Welcome New Minister Members!
Rich McDermott is Honorably Retired and the Parish Associate at St. James Presbyterian Church.
Brittany Tamminga is a Member at Large transferring from San Francisco Presbytery.
Jinsol Tark is a Presbyterian Federal Chaplain in the Air Force Reserves (Validated Ministry).
Generative Time
New Worshiping Community Leader of A Stoked Life, Mindy Heimer, guided participants through breathing exercises and movement to foster a sense of connection and collective breath. The session concluded with small group discussions on how to carry this sense of connection into the Presbytery's work, with participants sharing ideas about giving permission, embracing differences, and focusing on willingness rather than awkwardness.
Examination for Ordination
Jordan Shive was successfully examined for ordination by the assembly. He has been called as a Chaplain Supervisor in the UC Health System and will be ordained at First Presbyterian Church in Fort Collins on Saturday February 15, 2025. Congratulations Jordan!
Transfer of Membership
Joy Engelsman, a minister ordained in the Christian Reformed Church (North America) was welcomed into the PC(USA) and Denver Presbytery by a vote of the Assembly to exempt her from ordination exams. The Ministry Relations Committee (MRC) had previously validated Joy’s ministry as a Missionary for Youth For Christ, pending the vote of the Assembly. Thank you to the MRC sub team of Anne Bond, Beth Hewlett, Bill Sanders, and gretchen Sausville who have walked with Joy and the Presbytery in this process. Congratulations Joy and welcome home!
Ministry Relations Committee
Sheri Fry shared that 2024 and 2025 Terms of Call are necessary for MRC and must be submitted in order from Presbytery Grant Funding to be distributed. The Praesidium Boundary Training for 2024 is in a 90 day grace period and there are still 30 clergy who need to take it by March 31, 2025. The 2025 Boundary Training course will soon be announced. It is necessary to be taken by clergy exercising their ordered ministry and non-ordained members serving in Presbytery leadership. There are still two Pastoral Assistance Subsidy Grants available, the deadline to apply is February 17, 2025.
Partnership of Zimbabwe and Denver Presbyteries (PZDP) Delegate Commissioning
The Presbytery Commissioned the delegates headed to Zimbabwe February 19 - March 3, 2025. Dee Cooper, Doug Friesema, Julia Henderson and Russ Kane will travel as the delegation from Denver Presbytery to the Presbytery of Zimbabwe as we celebrate our 20th year of partnership together. Our prayers go with them as they travel to our friends in Zimbabwe.
Congratulations and thank you for your leadership, Jill VanderWal as the newest member of the Servant Leadership Development Committee
Thank you to all who have served and are rotating off Presbytery Leadership. Thank you to Chris Spotts for creating this celebration video.
Thank you to Rev. Michelle Fincher and the staff and many volunteers at Calvary Presbyterian Church for your space, hospitality, and making room for all of us.