Learn More about the Malawi Mission Partnership

The Presbytery of Denver is engaged in vital mission! Our mission takes place as congregations come together to form mission partnerships, covenant communities, or task forces addressing a specific need. In order to celebrate the wonderful work already being done in our Presbytery and to encourage churches to join existing partnerships or start new ones, we will be highlighting our congregational partnerships in our newsletter.

Below you'll find a link to the Malawi Mission Partnership video. Please take the opportunity to learn what our churches are doing. Consider whether or not the Holy Spirit might be calling your congregation to join these marvelous efforts already underway or perhaps to launch an entirely new mission partnership.

One of the things that makes Presbyterians unique is our commitment to education.  The Malawi Mission Partnership is sharing our passion for education with church leaders in an urban village outside the capital of Malawi.  The Malawi Mission Partnership provides a "2-year education for ministry" for the 90 churches serving this village of 40,000.  After completing their training for ministry, many pastors have gone on to complete their secondary education.  As a result, the Gospel is being proclaimed, the Bible is taught with integrity, leadership skills are maturing, and the Church is growing.  Please consider joining our partnership with the Church in this country in southeast Africa. 

  • Participating Churches:  First Leadville and Trinity.

To learn more about Malawi Mission Partnership,please reach out to Phylis Ritscher