Listen! An Update from Ruling Elder Rob Habiger of the Vision Construction Team

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When Jesus wanted to teach his followers a truth, he often preceded his teaching with an imperative to listen. For example, in Matthew’s account of the parable of the sower (13:3), Jesus starts by saying “Listen!” He finishes his teaching by challenging them, saying (13:9) “Let anyone with ears, listen!”.

Reverend Russ Kane challenged us to “see” in our last report. In this report, I want to challenge us to “hear”, and not just hear in a passive way, but to hear by listening.

Bright Spotting at the March Assembly
The Vision Construction Team was overwhelmed and energized by the way attendees in the March Assembly embraced the bright spotting exercise. We compiled your input and are now into the analysis of this rich data. This was a great opportunity for the Vision Construction Team to listen to people in the Denver Presbytery. This was also an opportunity for members of the Presbytery to listen to each other in the 17 different breakout groups. Thank you to the facilitators, scribes, and most of all to you who highlighted so many bright spots.

The Vision Construction Team
I believe we are really coming together as a Vision Construction Team. This cannot happen without listening to each other. The love each member of the team has for our Presbytery, the passion about completing our work, the respect we have for each other, and our desire to unite in a common purpose becomes clearer each week as we meet every Saturday morning and listen to each other. We are in the Curate and Generate stage, which requires a lot of data collecting and a whole bunch of listening.

Listening to the Holy Spirit
Please pray for your Vision Construction Team to listen to the Holy Spirit so that the vision for the Denver Presbytery will become clear. Please also pray for all people in the Denver Presbytery, that we might unite in ideas we share, and respond with love and listening when we disagree. Jesus promised in Matthew 18:20 that “where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” Consider the wisdom and power that can be unleashed as together we listen to the Holy Spirit and to each other.

Together in service to Christ,

Ruling Elder Rob Habiger
Vision Construction Team