Prayer for Ending Violence Against Asian Americans and for Interracial Peace

Prayer for Ending Violence Against Asian Americans.png

Creator God, who blessed all plants, animals, humans, and all created world and allow them to coexist together, thank you for your mercy and grace. We pray for all races and ethnicities to live in peace with one another.

Lord, hear our prayers.

God, you “give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death” (Luke 1:79), as well as freedom and redemption. But because of our arrogance and pride, we discriminate and hate those of other races, and we commit atrocities that take away their lives.

Lord, as we confess our sins, be merciful unto us.

Several days ago, we lost eight of our neighbors, six of whom are of Asian descent, due to violence against Asian Americans in Atlanta. We also have witnessed ten lives lost due to senseless violence in Boulder. Be gracious unto the lives lost and please comfort those who have lost their loved ones.

Lord, our eternal comfort, receive them as we commit their spirits to you.

As we have witnessed increase in violence against Asians in the United States, many Asians residing in the United States, especially women, are living in fear and anxiety.

Lord, our everlasting shield, protect us from danger.

God, who tears down the walls of discriminations and calls us to be one, remind us that every single person is created in your image. Help us to display the beauty of your creation by respecting our differences and celebrating diversity.

Holy Spirit, who unites us, lead us to unity.

God, who gives strength to the weak and exalts the humble, may we not remain silent in the face of injustice. Lead us to be your workers for human rights, freedom, and peace.

Holy Spirit, who gives breathe to a new life, strengthen us for the work of reconciliation and peace.

From the shores of the Pacific to the Atlantic, from the peaks of the Rockies to the beaches of Key West, and in every street where people roam, may your peace and reconciliation ring through love and reconciliation between all races.

Lord of the new heavens and the new earth, may we build up your kingdom step by step.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Peace. Amen. 

Adopted and modified from the Korean Sanctuary Church Network Translated by Rev. Dr. John Yu