August Assembly Highlights

A Place at The Table - for just, unjust, injured-- MERCY

Moderator Pat Queen welcomed folx* to this Assembly. 

Thank you Worship Leaders for a wonderful Assembly Worship! Thank you, Marcia Mount Shoop for your creative and embodied decolonized worship for Denver Presbytery. 

Thank you to Worship Leaders. Marcia Mount Shoop, Richard Aylor, Claudia Aguilar Rubalcava, Tu Bui, Raafat Girgis, Josphat Ombacho, Phyllis Pieffer, Jordan Shive, Paula Steinbacher, Judy Viccellio, Mary Weiburg, Lemuel Velasco. 

Josphat Ombatcho, Marcia Mount Shoop, Richard Aylor, Tu Bui and Claudia Aguilar Rubalcava (video, not pictured), brought us to the table.

Marcia Mount Shoop, serves as the Pastor of Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Asheville, NC and is a published author.  Marcia states Healing is the heart of the work that I do. Pastoring, spiritual direction, writing, preaching, teaching, facilitating and consulting, leading retreats, and advocacy shape my vocation both inside and beyond the church and academy. Marcia  preached on Reforming and Transforming from Romans 12:2-21. Marcia led the pastoral leadership in a learning lab about white supremacy the Friday before Assembly as part of our anti-racism work.


The Assembly was asked, what is the definition of Superior?

Marcia led our Generative time rooted in embodiment and connection. Folx were invited to tap into their bodies and connect with another person in the room and share in mutual invitational conversation, connecting conversation with what they feel within their bodies and mutual invitation. 

Lead Presbyter Report

Dee gave thanks for the work of the presbytery as we further walk as a Matthew 25 Presbytery dismantling structural racism. Dee invited  the body and asked us to consider “who is the presbytery” and the body responded “we are all the presbytery.” We were further asked to think of a time in the last two years of deep appreciation for the presbytery to notice how that felt and take time to appreciate ourselves and each other.  Participants were given felt hearts to remind ourselves we need felt experiences as we journey ahead.

Reports to the Assembly 

Rev. Sheri Fry, Commissioned Pastors Beth Hewlett and Sandy Safford

The Ministry Relations Committee gave a report on the importance of the Relations and Connections team given by Beth Hewlett. Sheri Fry shared about Boundary Training, as well as Pastoral and Board of Pensions Subsidies for our congregations. Sandy Safford shared about the Clergy Renewal Grants for 2025. Information will be coming soon, but making note that submissions are due on September 15, 2024. 

Russ Kane the Moderator of the Visionary Leadership Commission spoke on the necessity of leadership on Presbytery committees, and the need in the new structure for active minister members to serve. 

Rev. Fernando Rodriguez

Fernando Rodríguez gave a report celebrating and explaining our New Worshiping communities and their financial and ministerial sustainability. 

The Stated Clerk’s report reminded folx of the importance of Terms of Call being reported, and outlined the way the Presbytery will share General Assembly information for the next 9 months. 

Commissioners to the General Assembly, Bill Sanders and Jeff Sneddon, brought their reflections to the Presbytery about their experience and work at The General Assembly in Salt Lake City this summer. 

We thank Chuck Sparks for bringing the Treasurer's Report, and Louise Westfall for Presenting the Servant Leadership Development Committee Report with the nomination to elect Chris Wineman (Elder at Central Presbyterian Church) for Vice-Moderator in 2025.


Chris Wineman

Congratulations to Chris Wineman, our Vice-Moderator elect for 2025!
Congratulations St. Paul on the permission to sell a parcel of your property. 

Thank you, Jean Demmler and Loye Troxler, for serving as alternate Synod Commissions at the Synod Assembly in September. 

Church of the Hills


Thank you to Rev. Richard Aylor and Church of the Hills for your space, hospitality, and making room for all of us. Many thanks to the staff, many volunteers, and the folx at Church of the Hills for hosting the Assembly. 

*folx is inclusive language for including everyone and is used throughout