Meet your Relations and Connections Team!

Beth Hewlett, Team Leader of Relations and Connections

Meet Beth Hewlett. Beth is a Commissioned Pastor and Team Lead for the Relations & Connections Sub Team of the Ministry Relations Committee.

Some of you might remember Trienninal visits. The Presbytery is no longer doing these as every 3 years seemed like a long time to connect with our congregations! The R&C Team is a way for us to get and stay connected to our faith communities—to share your joys or connect you to resources when you have a need.

Below are pictures and lists of each faith community’s Relations and Connections Liaison. Please take a look, see who your community is “connected” with so you aren’t surprised when they call, email or maybe show up in worship or ask to have coffee to connect with you.

It is easy to say, “that is nice Beth. My church is doing great. We will call you if the pastor decides to retire or leave for another reason”, but we want to have a relationship with you and your church before you are in crisis mode. We also can do more than walk with you when you are finding new leadership. If you realize that you have been doing the same thing for the last 50 years and want to try something new, we have resources to help you.

If you are planning a big celebration, a garage sale or just want everyone to know the wonderful things that are happening at your faith communities, we can help you share that information.

We know you are all busy. We know that most, if not all of your faith communities are doing great and no one wants to rock the boat with new changes. We still encourage you to get to know your liaison. Be receptive when they call.

John 1:7 reads:

if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another.

The Relations and Connections Team is here to listen, to share in God’s love in times of joy, strife and sorrow. Who knows it might be the start of a beautiful friendship…