Synod of Rocky Mountain Presbyterian Women Answer Call

Disaster Preparedness

On Friday, June 17, at Laramie Community College in Cheyenne, 15 Presbyterian women from the Synod of Rocky Mountains were trained and commissioned as PDA Disaster Preparedness trainers. They are already in the process of scheduling training in their congregations and presbyteries.

A collaboration between Presbyterian Women (PW) and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), ministries of the Presbyterian Church (USA), provides specialized training that equips Presbyterian women to work with their congregations and churches in their presbytery to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crisis. Fifteen new trainers were commissioned as Disaster Preparedness Trainers in a ceremony held last week at Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne, WY. Part of their responsibility will be to go back to their local congregations and presbyteries and conduct disaster preparedness training for families, churches and community groups.