Zimbabwe Partnership Visit Summary

On Wednesday, May 18, 2016, Rev. Tinashe Chemvumi, Rev. Kurauone Mutimwii, and Elder Rapukeni "Mike" Chiwanda arrived at DIA for their nearly month-long visit to strengthen, deepen and enlarge our presbytery’s partnership with the Presbytery of Zimbabwe.
During their stay here, Tinashe, Kura and Mike stayed with more than thirty different host families, participated in worship at fourteen different churches as well as the Ministers’ Communion, attended our May Assembly Meeting, participated in committee, Council and work group meetings, spent time “shadowing” three pastors of congregations, consulted with leaders of new worshipping communities and racial ethnic ministries, engaged in the work of several mission partnerships, shared in a fellowship time and “braai” with members of the local Zimbabwean community, visited Iliff School of Theology, the CPE program at University Hospital, Highlands Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center, and Denver Inner City Parish and provided leadership at three Zimbabwe Summit Review sessions that explored emerging direction for the partnership.  Of course, they also enjoyed the spectacular sights and people of Colorado!

Click here to read the viewpoints of the Summit Review Sessions. 

A special thank you to all the host families, churches, ministers and ministries that shared in this time of mutual understanding and unity. 

If you have pictures to share from the visit from the delegates, please send to info@denpres.org.